Travel Guides challenges Sunday slot but Farmer Wants a Wife holds (just).
The battle is now on for the prized 7pm Sunday slot.
- Published by David Knox
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- Filed under News
Farmer Wants a Wife topped entertainment on Sunday, but it was only narrowly ahead of Nine’s decision to programme Travel Guides into the prized slot.
Farmer Wants a Wife drew 1.00m viewers in National TV Audience with Travel Guides breathing down its neck at 986,000.
Seven’s reality show has two more episodes to go, where it will doubtless triumph after another strong season. The test will come next week when Seven throws Dream House against Travel Guides…
Meanwhile from 7:30pm MasterChef Australia was 619,000 then Call the Midwife (495,000).
With a stronger lead in, 60 Minutes enjoyed a win at 585,000 then 7News Spotlight (459,000), FBI (293,000 / 187,000), and After the Party (247,000).
Seven News again topped the night at 1.26m then The Latest (268,000).
Nine News averaged 1.21m for Nine with a late edition at 237,000. Footy Furnace was 105,000 where it screened.
ABC News drew 746,o00. Compass (301,000) and Antiques Roadshow (247,000) followed.
The Sunday Project was 286,000 for 10. 10 News First was 249,000 / 186,000.
On SBS it was Philae the Last Temples of Ancient Egypt (139,000) and Tulum: The Last City of The Mayan Empire (129,000).
National Total TV: Tuesday 19 May 2024
- Tagged with 10 News First, 60 Minutes, 7News Spotlight, ABC News, After the Party, Antiques Roadshow, Call The Midwife, Compass, Farmer Wants a Wife, FBI, Footy Furnace, MasterChef Australia, Nine News, Philae: The Last Temples Of Ancient Egypt, Seven News, The Latest, The Sunday Project, Travel Guides, Tulum: The Last City of The Mayan Empire
13 Responses
Genius move from Nine to shift Travel Guides to 7pm Sunday to sabotage the launch of Dream Home. Seven seasons in and Travel Guides has become a jewel in Nine’s crown. Hats off to Farmer for holding its own against the new competition, Dream Home will need a miracle to do the same.
I just wonder whether Travel Guides suits a 90 mins running time.
Agree. As much as I love the show, I find I’m losing interest after the hour mark and it starts to feel like it’s dragging. Like filling a taco, sometimes less is more.
FBI this season out of 13 episodes has 6 terrorist attacks in NY, (several with ticking bombs), 4 assassinations of authority figures in NY, and one recycled plot about a drug courier being attacked and their cargo going missing. Good thing the writers are now being paid what they deserve.
FWAW has wrapped up last night. As much as I don’t watch Travel Guides, I have a feeling that this show will stabilise the ratings on a Sunday night. This will cause more ratings pain for Dream House and MCA.
Two more episodes for Farmer.
One the lighter side..I just watched The Weekly with Charlie Pickering I taped..and I loved the description of FWAW when the guy said..”The Farmer and his 5 Hostages”……. kudos to whoever came up with that….it was brilliant.
since the project is tagged as being “alternative news” why doesn’t 10 put it up against the other news programs at 6-7pm allowing the 7pm content to be 30 minutes on weekdays (perhaps deal or no deal) and straight to 7pm prime time programming on Sundays and then this would be in line with the other stations. not so long ago the 7pm weekday slot had regular game show content
For the life of me l just cannot understand why 10 insists on a 7.30pm for Masterchef on Sundays, allowing 7 and 9 a jump start. If they had a great lead-in show l would understand it but The Project just does not provide that.
Snap. I just asked 10 the same question.
Travel Guides may turn around Nine’s recent Sunday slump (certainly on Summit – which again is not looking flash for Nine and baffling it was renewed with surely a waste of money save for overseas sales and even Lego)… But with only a limited number of episodes and often aired as a hit filler, does this mean when it is needed as such later during the year, they may not have any episodes left? The other thing is, often it steers Nine to an easy win, but last night Seven still won (as did Farmer). So is Guides essentially being wasted out of desperation? However, yes, Dream House I doubt will rate well, so could be handy until DWTS (Seven could be worried Dancing might be affected now – they’d want to protect one of their long time hits which executives have said they expect to be their “biggest” show in 2024). Mondays and Tuesdays will be a battle of the lowest the next month (Dream House vs Summit), much to 10 and MasterChef’s delight!
Ten rated fairly well when BB was around. They started shows at 7pm every night. Perhaps they need to again to stay in the game.
I’m pretty sure they tried the 7pm slot and it didn’t work, so they moved it back to 7:30pm