
More roles depart Seven Brisbane

Head of News operations manager in Brisbane amongst those to exit, and a camera operator who got the news whilst on the job.

Further job redundancies from Seven have been revealed, this time from Seven Brisbane, with the Courier Mail reporting the departure of news operations manager Craig Dyer.

After more than 20 years with the network, Dyer last week announced his immediate resignation in a letter to colleagues.

His departure follows a series of forced redundancies at the network’s Mount Coot-Tha base, affecting several employees under his supervision.

Two news camera operators were let go, in addition to a long-serving technical support employee, a news producer and other behind-the-scenes staff.

One of the camera operators received the news while on assignment. According to the article, he was summoned back to the network’s Mount Coot-Tha studios, where he was informed that his services were no longer required.

One insider described all of the Brisbane-based redundancies as “brutal” and “cold”, adding that they had cast a sombre mood across the network’s Mount Coot-Tha base.

4 Responses

  1. FYI, Mount Coot-Tha was the home of TV in Brisbane with several studios and each network having it’s own TV tower. Today the ABC, 7, 9 and 10 all use the Nine tower with 7’s tower partially demolished, 10’s is no longer used for TV and the ABC tower is used by SBS. There could be more changes before the 2032 Brisbane Olympics with the networks hoping that the Govt will buy out their 99yr leases for the site so that they can move and consolidate even further. I visited the area during Expo as it was the only place to buy petrol on a Sunday. There was a small cafe with a great view of the city.

  2. The treatment of staff with these redundancies is appalling! Surely there should be some respect shown to the staff no matter how long serving they have been.

  3. Reminds me when Prime cancelled their Wollongong News. Crews out and about were told “don’t bother going to that story it won’t be used. Last night was the last Prime News”.

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