
Have You Been Paying Attention?: Sept 2

Guest host: Ed Kavalee.

For one night only, Ed Kavalee will be guest host as Have You Been Paying Attention?‘s Tom Gleisner takes a break.

On the panel are Tony Martin, Anne Edmonds, Ray O’Leary, Lizzy Hoo and Sam Pang.

8:40pm Monday on 10.


20 Responses

  1. I like Ed he is funny and suits tv, and let’s not forget he is the foundation panel member of HYBPA and a big part of its success, it’s a natural fit for him to host for the night while Tom is off. Ed gets lost on radio because you can’t see his facial expressions with his style of humour.

  2. Sharing some love for Ed here. I like him and think he, Sam and Tom have made a really great trio throughout HYBPA’s duration. It only makes sense he’d host an episode at some point, makes sense Sam would too, I suppose it depends on their interest.

  3. Not a fan of Ed. I’m not sure he’s a drawcard or the recipe to success. His Sydney-based radio show struggled throughout all iterations during his stay. The guy is not funny.

    1. He tries too hard and is always looking at the audience to get some acknowledgement it is so distracting I don’t watch as much anymore unfortunately he is always on. I agree he is not funny.

  4. I will never understand the appeal of Ed Kavalee. Not funny at all to me though I get people have different senses of humour. Ands what’s with the constant mugging to the audience trying to pull focus from the other really funny people. Harrumph!

  5. During the show Tom revealed he’d be on vacation, a guest will host the show next week but he didn’t reveal who. I wonder if Working Dog did a collective groan when that ad aired straight after, like they were wanting it to be a surprise.

    1. 10 aren’t known for their restraint.

      I remember reading (on here actually) that the producers of Offspring were in conniptions when 10 did those “Who will die?” promos leading up to Patrick’s death – they wanted it to be a total shock and were quite livid that they’d done that.

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