
Celia Pacquola keen for more drama roles

Thank God You're Here host is keen to flex her dramatic muscles again -but will there be more of Love Me?

When she wraps on Thank God You’re Here host Celia Pacquola is relaxed about how she will spend her time.

“I’ll probably spend some time with my family, I should probably do an exercise at some point. I don’t know. I’m sure I’ve told you this in every interview. I’m very open to doing some more acting in a drama.”

Pacquola was praised for her dramatic turns in both The Beautiful Lie for ABC and Love Me for Foxtel. But will there be any more of the latter?

“I genuinely don’t know. I have not heard. But I really enjoy doing that. I wrote an episode last time, so that was fun,” she revealed.

“I’m open to doing some more writing. I also came back to stand up this year, so I’d like to film that. But I’m not gonna be doing any new stand up for a while. I want to take a few years in between shows.”

For now it is more opening of the blue door on Thank God You’re Here.

“I would love if to continue on and is of a regular part of my year,” she said.

“It’s pretty quick. Obviously, I very much like it on TV, but I think it’s one of the shows that is more fun in the actual room if you can get there. Like, I don’t want to say don’t watch it, but it’s a fun viewing experience, whereas, as you know, sometimes television tapings can be a bit on the grueling side. This feels like they’ve done everything they can to make sure that it’s done with efficiency, so the audience don’t have a chance to get tired.

“It really tries to feel like a non-stop theatrical production.”

Thank God You’re Here screens 7:30pm Wednesdays on 10.

6 Responses

  1. I’m actually surprised how little ‘straight’ acting she’s done. I’d really like to see more of her in more serious shows, I think. I’ll happily watch anything she’s involved in.

      1. Celia is an amazing actress. While Beautiful Lie and Love Me roles weren’t laugh out loud funny – those characters were clearly in the shows for comic relief or light heartedness. Nothing wrong with that

  2. I love Celia. Such a likable watch able performer, whether it be acting, hosting or on a panel. She has and can do it all. Comedy, drama. Thank God you’re here is my favourite show. Must see TV for me. (Even if the Guest Judge awards the wrong winner imho).

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