
Returning: My Kitchen Rules, Parenthood, Grey’s, Housewives. Airdate: Conviction Kitchen

Plus Brothers & Sisters, City Homicide, How I Met Your Mother, Private Practice.

More titles coming and returning to Seven:

Monday Jan 31
7:30pm My Kitchen Rules. Season Premiere.
8:30pm Conviction Kitchen. Premiere
9:30pm Brothers & Sisters. Season Premiere.

Tuesday Feb 1
7:30pm My Kitchen Rules
8:30pm Parenthood. New episode
9:30pm Parenthood. New episode

Wednesday Feb 2
7:30pm My Kitchen Rules
8:30pm Criminal Minds. New episode
9:30pm City Homicide. New episode

Thursday Feb 3
7:30pm How I Met Your Mother. Season Premiere.
8:00pm How I Met Your Mother
8:30pm Grey’s Anatomy. Season Premiere.
9:30pm Desperate Housewives. Season Premiere.
10:30pm Private Practice. Season Premiere.

Monday / Thursday titles continue on Monday February 7 and Thursday February 10.

There is a TBA at 7:30pm Wednesday Feb 9 followed by Criminal Minds, City Homicide.

No schedule for Tuesday Feb 8 which presumably heralds the return of Packed to the Rafters.

70 Responses

  1. I am so disappointed with Chanel 7 – i watch very little TV but when i do it has always been Channel 7 due to the better selection of shows but….i am devastated they have taken Parenthood off the air – Please bring it back. Very happy Rafters is back and Deperate Housewives but des DH have to be on a Thursday and so late? Thursday is when i might be out later due to shopping hours – i work full-time so Thursday is a chance to do the groceries! Channel 10 have improved – not as many reality TV shows and some quality viewing eg Offspring – never thought i’d say 10 would rival 7!

  2. No-one has commented or probably noticed that ‘Minute to Win it’ has gone. Im quite a fan of that show, even though admittedly its tacky. Wonder if Ch7 will put in on 7two or Mate?
    I gave up on Desperate Housewives at the start of the last season, as its getting silly now.

  3. This line up is rather dumb.Did 7 ever learn it’s mistake from dumping How I met your Mother and Cougartown and the rather short lived Benidorm in favour of criminal minds on a Thursday.I agree the hour of comedies between 7:30 and 8:30pm is a good thing but the rest of the shows don’t belong there.

    Even going back to the All Saints days 7 were a lot smarter then not to put three medical shows on the same night but rather spread them out over the week.

  4. This lineup looks oddball.

    Friday would be a better fit for the Medical Dramas and Housewives/B&S back to Mondays and Thursday should go back to Comedy Night Crime Shows on Wednesdays while Parenthood can stay where it is.

    Did 7 not do their research on what Night Medical Dramas fit in after All Saints ended?They screened that on Tuesdays from memory back in the day.

  5. From what I’ve heard Conviction Kitchen is set in a restaurant but not about the cooking. It’s all about turning these peoples poor lives around. you know give them a second chance

  6. My prediction for 2011… the slow cooked death of cooking shows. There are way too many on TV now riding off the Masterchef craze. Just like Gordon Ramsay, the ratings will fizzle out.

  7. it seems everyone hates the idea of Desperate Housewives on Thursday because it doesn’t belong between Grey’s Anatomy and Private Practive. Add me to the list. Bad idea, Seven.

  8. I dont mind it. Im surprised they move DH to 9:30. I presumed they would just move it to another night. But thursday night are great now. The Good Wife at 8:30 then DH at 9:30. Thursday night used to be so boring.

    Just glad to see Brothers & Sisters back. Although it wont be the same without Rob Lowe but looking foward to see the Walkers dramas. Love that Parenthood is back and so happy to see PTTR coming back so early in the year.

    Im willing to give Conviction Kitchen a go. I like shows that see people turn there lives around but I heard 2 dont go well.

    Also good to see Cougar Town given another go. I actually didnt mind it and tuesday nights rock on7. Also I hope MKR does well again.

  9. according to yahoo7.com.au/tv bones is returning monday jan 31 8.30pm
    i really really hope theyre not going to change the night, i really liked it on sundays

  10. Mondays…. Even I’m used to DH being on a Monday and I never watch it! Brothers&Sisters is falling apart as it is in the U.S, so I don’t know why they’re tear them apart- unless they’re trying to schedule one cooking show after another to try and let MKR’s strong ratings to CK. . .

    Loving that Parenhood’s being treated well– starting off with a double episode, then one Rafters starts the following week, it’ll get moved back to 9:30pm. What follows Parenthood? Cougar Town. Congrats to Ch7, they’ve nailed Tuesdays.

    Wednesday’s are pretty smart, except anyone else thinking MKR is on one too many nights?

    Thursdays.. ergh. HIMYM double ep- as if we haven’t seen enough repeats already. Haven’t they learned from the debacle last year (where HIMYM was canceled) because they relied on a double ep?
    Don’t get me started on splitting Greys and PP.

    I’m guessing Sunday’s will be Sunday Night, 2 doco/reality shows (Border Security, etc), Bones and Castle— if they were smart. Or maybe is Sunday 730 going to be No Ordinary Family’s slot?

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