Airdate: Restaurant Revolution
Try not to look surprised as cooking contest goes head to head with cooking contest.
- Published by David Knox
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- Filed under Programming
No surprises that Seven has finally confirmed the premiere for Restaurant Revolution is 7:30pm Tuesday July 28 -the day after MasterChef wraps and the same day as Nine’s Hot Plate.
Another win for audience variety this year -not. After Nine pitted a renovation show against its key competition, now Seven returns fire with its second cooking show this year.
Seven’s show continues on Wednesday and Thursday next week.
The pop-up restaurants now open around the country are:
Aspiring head chef Dom
Somewhere Nice, Centenary Square, Parramatta
Chef siblings David, Asa, Reine & Anthony
28 Street, Victoria Square
Fiery foodies Nathan & Maz
Scarfo, St Kilda Triangle, Lower Esplanade, St Kilda
Savvy sisters Carmen & Nicole
La Linea, 103 Oxford St, Leederville
Food truck family John, Justine & Maggie
Puerto, QPAC Playhouse Lawn, Corner of Russell St and Grey St, Southbank
Business Hours:
Lunch: 12-4pm Wednesday to Sunday
Dinner: 6-11pm Wednesday to Saturday
- Tagged with Restaurant Revolution, The Hot Plate
8 Responses
Hot Plate is a love child of MKR. Restaurant Revolution looks better imo and possibly a spin off from My Restaurant Rules?
I believe Restaurant Revolution will be worth my time throughout the series.
Hot Plate will just be a fizzer.
Of course they air on the same date. No surprises there. But isn’t hotplate on after The Voice? Or is The Voice back to Sunday and Monday by then?
I wonder which will fail more? Ch7’s Genetic Cooking show or Ch9’s Genetic Cooking show. My money is on Ch9’sGenetic Cooking show.
Honestly Ch9 & Ch7. I have said this many times before and I will say it again. Mix it up. Even if you are going to stick with reality, mix it up. Stop making 5 different cooking shows and 7 different Reno shows and give is something different.
I actually think both shows are going to rate terribly – like struggle to get to 700k! Would have been the perfect opportunity for Ten to put the Biggest Loser on, may have provided a healthy Masterchef style alternative to the repetitive rubbish!
I know everyone is sad about the reality overload on TV but can you blame the networks when the ratings are good? Most of us on tv forum are probably a minority compared to the masses that follow these shows.
Seen the promos for Revolution and Hotplate and don’t know which is worse.
Hopefully both shows will rate badly and the wannabe celebrities are shown the door.
Seriously – how did the producers find such obnoxious and horrible people?
Yep – I’ve decided this purely on what I have seen on the promos. And usually the promos are meant to highlight why we should watch these shows. Pretty bad.
Does it never end? More reality? People who dont watch that swill might start to claim tv discrimination :D