Axed: Doctor Blake Mysteries telemovie to follow 2017 season
ABC mystery will bow out with its fifth season & a telemovie finale in 2017.
- Published by David Knox
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- Filed under News, Top Stories
ABC has announced The Doctor Blake Mysteries will end with a final telemovie, to follow its upcoming fifth season.
The hit series, which features Craig McLachlan and Nadine Garner, will conclude with a movie-length finale later this year, produced by December Media.
ABC Head of Scripted Production Sally Riley says, “Dr Blake has had a sensational run on the ABC and we feel that the time is right to go out while we are still on top. We have a fantastic final season still to come and we look forward to wrapping the series up with a satisfying movie-length finale, as we bid farewell to an Australian TV icon.”
Series Co-creator and show-runner George Adams says “Having been the ABC’s number one returning Australian drama year on year we felt that we wanted to go out on a high and to give our loyal audience around Australia and the World, through the telemovie, answers to many of the remaining mysteries between Blake and Jean.”
Production Credits: A December Media Production in association with ABC TV and Film Victoria. Producers George Adams and Tony Wright. Executive Producer Stuart Menzies and Associate Producer Craig McLachlan. ABC Executive Producers Brett Sleigh and Alastair McKinnon.
- Tagged with The Doctor Blake Mysteries
21 Responses
This is disappointing, as much as I hate to agree with Brian Walsh on anything, FTA is ignoring older viewers. While I am not in the 55+ demo my mother is, and this show was something we actually were able to watch together, not to mention my UK family are addicted to it over there. I know some people are sick of period dramas but they are able to link younger people who might watch for the younger actors with the older people who remember the era. But even with Midsomer Murders, surely everyone in Midsomer is dead now too, but the slower pace, limited violence, sex and bad language appeals to people and I know people who have watched all 3000 ‘seasons’ of it. All I am saying is there is something to be said for having variety on a network, not everything has to be modern/reality/comedy/drama/competition based TV viewing directed towards 18-49yo.
Sort of like the D-Gen (radio) and The Late Show (TV) – they went out on top, even though people were left wanting more, it was good to get out while the going’s good :)
There’s a lot worse ways to go than one final mystery with a telemovie specifically written in mind to be the final. With so many shows just axed abruptly, it’s a good thing ABC is at least allowing a final way to end the show hopefully well.
Doctor Blake had turned into the Terminator by the end of the last series. Shows what happens when the star becomes the executive producer.
Unlikely. These things are usually in name only where they are acting on same show. Possibly some consultation.
I hope the ABC reconsider.
Methinks this is the accounts dept looking at the budget for new commissions.
Bird in the hand.
Disappointing for the Ballarat economy. Loved watching this show being filmed in town last year
I adore this show & will embrace Series 5 & the movie with love & sadness. The writing, Production, Cast, Crew, Location etc is the Best in this Country. I’m so sad that the ABC can’t see to keep this beautiful show. #BlakesArmy #TeamLawson
Pity. Although pretty much a by-the-numbers mystery it was engaging enough to be regular viewing here, and the ABC would’ve been very happy with its consistently high ratings.
So… what’s the ABC got up its sleeve next, now that Miss Fisher’s been & gone & Dr. Blake won’t be coming back?
Hopefully not more Newton’s Law. Found it really disappointing – there’s being no mention at all regarding gravity or the physics of motion.
Oh, I dunno – despite the ABC pushing people to watch it, I had an equal and opposite reaction…
Claudia Karvan must have needed the money!
As much as I am disappointed with their decision, this quote sums it up best: ” “Dr Blake has had a sensational run on the ABC and we feel that the time is right to go out while we are still on top.” Better to end while the going is good, than drag it out and it turn into a laughing stock.
I agree; at this rate, there’ll be no one left alive in Ballarat!
Australia’s version of Midsomer?
This is sad
As much as I have loved the show they have probably run out of mysteries now. Best to end on a high note.
my thoughts exactly :(
No!!!!!!!!!!! They had a couple more series in them! Not fair!
Will we see the good doc and Jean finally throwing the car keys into the middle of the room?