
GO! reschedules V, Fringe and Hellcats again

Why all the changes? Three new return dates from GO!

Readers will be very familiar with ongoing changes of key programmes on GO! lately.

On the one hand, it seems like a change is made every day, flip-flopping on plans.

On the other hand, we’re at an unusual time of the year and Programming has to be done well in advance to fit with print deadlines across the Xmas / NY break -added to the fact some fastracking shows are also taking breaks in the US.

That said, Seven and TEN don’t seem to be prone to such continual summer amendments.

For the record there are now new return dates for three of GO!’s key shows:

Wednesday January 19
8:30pm V
9:30pm Fringe

Monday January 24

Movies will replace previous plans.

10 Responses

  1. I would take a guess that the programmers on GO tv are just throwing darts into a dart board and making decisions accordingly. Whatever whim they decide to follow as they walk into their offices each morning seems fine by them. Viewers however are less than impressed. I watched Fringe on GO to support my absolute favourite show on tv Ever! ….GO can stick their constant changes and movies and boring repeats. I’ll just watch Fringe dvds instead and wait for it to restart in the US on the 21st January. GO seems to rerun The Big bang Theory the same way as its big brother channel 9 belts us over the head with Three and A Half Men reruns. Obviously the programmers at these 2 stations like to screen Their favourite shows….but not ours!

  2. It’s one thing to have way too many scheduling amendments but another to not update their on air ads for up to a week which Is what has been happening on go! And gem lately.

    V doesn’t stand a chance in this environment some eps of the first season were getting under 200k at 11:00 this year even if every single one of those viewers returned it wouldn’t be enough to garuntee it stay in the timeslot the following week.

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