
Love letter to TCN9 as IT guy departs

A Channel Nine IT staffer, departing TCN9 after nearly 6 years sent an email to everyone at the station.

tcn93Well this is a first…

A Channel Nine IT staffer, departing TCN9 after nearly 6 years sent an email to everyone at the station bidding them farewell.

According to the Daily Telegraph the young man named Gerry Fortuna sent a 1400 word email confessing his secret crush on a colleague in the finance department.

And in doing so he had some nice words to say about a few shows (although he admitted loving TV, but “not always Channel Nine, blasphemy”).

But there was no dirt from inside the bunker, either.

Here’s an excerpt of his lengthy adieu:

To 60 Minutes for the super and OVERLY friendly greetings of shouting my name excitedly (always funny) and all those lovely scones you’d feed me (not literally) if or when I visited your cottage in the morning to fix a computer problem. My Dad loves watching your show, since I could remember.

To The Footy Show, everyone there is fantastic, such an awesome crew with what feels to me like great chemistry. I’ve been watching that show for years, since before working at Nine and to experience the background and chance to hang out behind the scenes just to offer my “IT support” as rarely as some issues occurred. I never claimed it in hours, it was just always fun to be there and watch from behind the scenes.

I love TV (while not always Channel Nine (blasphemy!)) so to have had the opportunity to work for a TV station like Channel Nine, who make TV happen, it has been my pleasure.

Peter Overton for being one of the nicest people I’ve ever had the opportunity to meet. To me you are like a saint and are always so down to earth with everyone you meet doesn’t matter who they are. A truly genuine and nice guy.

A Nine spokeswoman said: “It was a personal email and we won’t be commenting.”

You can read the rest here.

3 Responses

  1. hmm when I saw the headline I thought maybe he was the one who had a bad word put on the autocue on Tuesday night, that Peter Overton managed to avoid barely.

    But no, it’s a happy story.

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