X Factor’s own Luke & Wyatt keen to step up as hosts
They were "Fan Factor" hosts for Seven, but the Nickelodeon boys would happily do more as part of any revamp.
- Published by David Knox
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- Filed under Subscription
They were The X Factor‘s “Fan Factor” hosts for Seven last year and Camp Orange hosts on Nickelodeon, and in 2015 Luke and Wyatt are looking forward to juggling Free to Air and Subscription TV commitments once again.
“We’re doing a lot of stuff with Nick and I think Fan Factor is going to kick over again this year,” Luke recently told TV Tonight.
Given the X Factor is reportedly revamping, would they consider stepping up if the show wanted to move to two hosts?
“Obviously! Can you send that in an email to the top execs?” he laughed.
“Let’s see if we can make that happen. We’d be eternally grateful!”
With a legion of teen and tween fans who have been growing up with them, they could be real contenders.
Meanwhile the boys are busy with Nickelodeon, including another upcoming season of Camp Orange and digital projects.
“Digital is a really exciting space at the moment, because they are taking really big risks and trying really interesting content,” Luke added.
“I know it sounds like digital is a second space to TV but it’s becoming the first space. From a creative space it’s more exciting to move in because people take more risks. So if it works in that space you can put it on TV.”
“There are so many shows, particularly in the US, that start out as YouTube shows and end up being produced on main TV channels. And there are big shows that go straight to digital, like House of Cards,” said Wyatt. “But I love Subscription TV as well!”
Since moving from Melbourne to Sydney the duo are enjoying living closer to Nickelodeon, but the city is not without its challenges.
“We just go to the gym heaps. That’s what you do when you’re in Sydney, bro. You gotta lift,” Luke explained.
“I know it’s kind of a running joke, but we do go to the gym heaps,” Wyatt insisted. “I’m very intimidated. It’s very different in Sydney, the people are very beautiful.
“It’s straight up Botox every morning,” laughed Luke.
- Tagged with Camp Orange, House Of Cards, The X Factor
4 Responses
i know the show is supposed to be about the singers and their talent but half the fun of the show is the judges, the way their fight for their acts and the silly tantrums they pull doing each show. most people watch the show for the judges anyway. if we got 4 nobodies to judge the show, would it be so interesting?? say we got the guy who sings at your local pub each week, the lady who sings in the shower for fun, the guy who sings in the elevator while no one there and the lady who auditioned once for season 1 of idol and didn’t get through auditions to judge, would you watch?
No no no! If these guys host X Factor Seven will have made a terrible terrible mistake. Luke is the host and does a great job. Keep him. Yes the judging panel needs some changes but there is nothing wrong with the host.
If they’re revampimg X factor take the focus off the judges. With the on stage introductions every show with all the pomp and ceremony
Oh no! Please dear god no! Do not make them the hosts of X Factor. Luke Jacobz is doing an amazing job. Keep him. He is the important part of the show that does it with grace, ease and makes it seem fun. Do not replace him.
Yes replace the judges but def not him.