
Gold Logie nominee 2024: Robert Irwin

"I got to host one of my favourite shows alongside an incredible comedian, invaluable mentor and great friend. What an opportunity!" says 10's Gold Logie nominee.

How does it feel to be a Gold Logie nominee for 2024?
It is an honour, and a dream come true to be nominated for a Gold Logie, as well as the Bert Newton Award for Most Popular Presenter at this year’s Logies. Quite literally since I was born, my entire life has been captured on camera, and I feel so lucky that over the last 20 years I have gotten to utilize my work in front of the camera to hopefully inspire people and spread important messages. I will always be a wildlife conservationist at heart, and will proudly continue my dad’s legacy and my family’s legacy in everything I do.

What’s been the highlight of your TV work over the past year?
The past year has been quite a whirlwind of exciting new projects, the greatest of which has certainly been joining Julia Morris to co-host I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out of Here on Channel 10. Over the years, I have been lucky enough to try my hand at so many different projects across different platforms, but to take on live hosting was such a thrill and a real honour. And not only that, I got to host one of my favourite shows alongside an incredible comedian, invaluable mentor and great friend. What an opportunity!

Give us your best campaign lobbying… why should viewers vote for you?
Haha, what a question! Well, I think Australia can vote for whoever they would like, and if people are kind enough to vote for me, it certainly means the world, but more importantly this form of recognition is a win for my message and what I stand for. My dad always used to say ‘I don’t mind if people remember me, but I hope they remember my message’, and I love that. I can’t think of many conservationists that have been nominated over the years, so hopefully I can use this platform to continue my mission of environmental preservation and continue an important legacy, while forging my own.

If you should be lucky enough to win, where will the award go?
Well, I think it is only fair that it goes up next to my sister’s Logie! She has certainly paved the way and is someone I look up to very much. I am so proud to be her brother.

If not you… then who?
The answer is clear… the one and only, Julia Morris! One of the most kind, authentic, hilarious, dedicated, and hardworking individuals you will ever meet. It has been a surreal and amazing experience joining the I’m A Celeb world, and Julia has been such a wonderful supporter and someone I have really learned a great deal from.

You can vote for Robert Irwin at the TV Week Logie Awards here.

16 Responses

  1. People concerned about Bob Irwin nominated for a gold Logie for a short time.

    Let’s not forget that in 1975 The Norman Gunston Show aired on the ABC.

    The next year he receives the gold Logie.

    Not the first time a winner of a gold Logie within a short time.

    I don’t count Norman Gunston’s appearance in 1973 as an irregular character on The Aunty Jack Show.


  2. Dr Chris Brown has had far more experience. I prefer Julia Zemiro over Julia Morris. Has there ever been 2 different people with same first name up for Gold?

  3. I can’t watch Celebrity coz I’m grossed out by the bugs and humiliation but I have to give it to Robert for being a fine host and tremendous beacon of positivity. I’d love to see him win.

        1. So you believe that the highest award in Australian television, should go to somebody who hosted a show you found personally unwatchable. Based on the fact that a few random people seemed to find him alright?

  4. There are considerably worse people on Australian TV than Robert Irwin by any measure, but he shouldn’t be nominated (and realistically, probably won’t win) for all but a single week of work!

    1. Of all things to lose faith in humanity over, this doesn’t even register in my top 10,000,000.

      That said, I don’t think somebody who’s barely out of his nappies should be awarded the gold, but there’s also superlatively worse among the entertainment industry’s “talent” pool.

      1. Well I was jokingly overexagerating. I don’t feel Bob Irwin (who’s been a televission regular for… 3 months) should be given the gold, if it was like when Waleed Ally won the gold logie (he’d been a television regular for at least 9 months before his nomination), I wouldn’t be so moody about his nomination.

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