
Automatically mute the celebs you hate on your TV!

"I'm getting a sick of hearing about the same people on TV," says a US inventor. So he has a solution.

Sick of hearing about Karl, Kochie or Kyle?

Don’t wanna hear another word about Charlie Sheen?

Soon you may be able to get your TV to stop mentioning their names all by itself.

A US inventor has come up with a device that he cheekily calls the ‘Enough Already’ project.

Essentially this gizmo links a mute button to the closed caption feed that is streaming to your box, and when it spies the words on your own personal hate list, it zaps the sound.  Hey, presto!

“I’m getting a sick of hearing about the same people on TV over and over and over again,” Richardson said.

Aren’t we all, Matt?

You could potentially enter in other words like: Carbon Tax. Or the phrases “out of my comfort zone.” Or the word “journey” in any Reality show. The word “Exclusive” in current affairs, perhaps?

The mechanism uses an infrared beam to send a “mute” command to your television for thirty seconds. If the name is mentioned again within thirty seconds, the TV will stay muted. That happens repeatedly until they stop mentioning He-or-She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. Once thirty seconds go by, the sound turns back on automatically.

This video is veeeeeery technical. Matt could possibly be a contender for The Big Bang Theory. But the invention is a bewdy.

Ok, so let’s hear some suggestions for celebrity names and phrases you would add to your mute list if you were to get this device?


Source: TIME

25 Responses

  1. “Rugs-a-million”
    “taking the world by storm”
    “Australia’s favourite…”
    “everybody loves…”

    There would no doubt be others but fortunately I don’t usually watch 7, 9, or 10 so I don’t get to hear them enough to be sick of them.

  2. Gen Y
    Stephen Conroy
    Peter Harvey (specialises in offensive rants and animal stories)
    Jonathan Holmes (His voice grates. Paul Barry was so much better, more like Jon Stewart)

  3. Tom Williams and Joanna Griggs intro for 7two lifestyle lineup. I don’t need to have it explained to me what Escape to the Country and 60 Minute Makeover is about. I get it from the title.

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