
Sunday Night, MKR, Fat Tony take the night -TEN takes a tumble.

Ratings: Sunday Night, My Kitchen Rules and Fat Tony all scored last night, but TEN's primary channel hits a new low.

2014-02-20_1607After its week from hell with AFP raids, Sunday Night was rewarded with bumper numbers last night, showing once again that our fascination with INXS is still at a high.

The show topped the night with a whopping 1.91m viewers -a new record for the show.

Seven and Nine both pulled big shares, at the expense of the rest.

TEN will again be grateful its multichannel share propped up some dire numbers.

A 6.4% channel share was its lowest primary channel share in survey since the introduction of OzTAM ratings in 2001.

Seven network share was 35.9% then Nine 32.6%, ABC 14.4%, TEN 13.1% and SBS 3.9%.

Also scoring for Seven were My Kitchen Rules (1.73m), Seven News (1.19m), Downton Abbey (1.13m) and Castle (462,000).

Fat Tony and Co. won its timeslot for Nine at 1.38m / 1.24m viewers. Next were The Block (1.33m), Nine News (1.09m), 60 Minutes (926,000) and a Love Child repeat (430,000).

ABC News (801,000) was best for ABC1 followed by Flying Monsters with David Attenborough (706,000), Rake (617,000), Australia’s Remote Islands (447,000) and Tim Winton’s The Turning (272,000).

TEN’s night was a shocker with 378,000 as its best audience for So You Think You Can Dance Australia, despite its amazing talent. TEN Eyewitness News was 348,000, Modern Family was 280,000 / 254,000 and Have You Been Paying Attention? was just 168,000. Thankfully Sochi Winter Olympics gave ONE a 5.1% share.

SBS ONE also struggled with World News Australia (180,000), Plane Crash (167,000) and Archaeology: A Secret History (146,000),

Sochi Winter Olympics led multichannels at 271,000 viewers.

OzTAM Overnights: Sunday 23 February 2014

44 Responses

  1. Neighbours at 6:30pm works well but find something that’s fresh and new for 7pm.God knows how many hundred times Ray Romano’s show about him has been recycled over and over again.

  2. Did SYTYCD seriously run for 3 hours on Sunday night?? That’s totally ridiculous and unforgiveable. I didn’t watch it of course, but in any reality program there’s so much time wasted on interminable backgrounds of contestants that such programs become one big yawn.

    Stick to the basics of the program, the actual dancing and cut all the extraneous comment and crap.

    TEN will never rate well on Sunday nights at the moment, the competition is too fierce – to the detriment of all – so there’s not much point in them scheduling Puberty Blues or Offspring up against the others, such programming would be wasted completely. And for what?

  3. What has befallen Network Ten, has been an entirely self-inflicted loss of viewer trust and a forgiving loyalty, and purely demonstrates the destructive influences of vested interests who rarely display loyalty to anyone, except their own self interests.
    Many raise that they cannot understand why some very good shows and popular programs with some very talented performers receive the kiss of death at Network Ten, and to cite just one glaring example, and this is regardless of the poor selection of some of the hosts of Wake Up, and refer to the studio acoustics that sounds hollow, and to me instills in my mind not the slightest hint of the possibility of any permanency.

    As to the talented performers and programs, live or syndicated, the answer is very simple, all the talented ones are just on the wrong side of the TV camera’s, excepting Andrew Bolt of course.

  4. Ten needs to seriously work on things people want to watch.I gave up on their own offerings quite a long time ago.

    The Project at 6:30pm is a bit much that’s 90 minutes after the regular news for crying out loud.I wonder what figures were like when they were in the old days using old sitcoms at 7pm on 10 in the time period from 1994 to 2009.

  5. I can’t stand SN or most of the other shows on Seven but I do like Castle. Its a shame TEN just can’t find shows that rate, even if they are good.

    ABC and SBS had some great shows on last night!

  6. Geeez…where will ten be next week without any Olympics on ONE?

    I would think there will be some serious decisions made this time next week when TEN has had a full post olympics week.

    They have to move their news more into prime time….especially on the weekend. 5pm news is just a complete waste. Especially when there is the huge hole at 6pm….7 days a week.

    And give there news some credibility. A reason for people to watch….when they wan’t to watch it.

    It actually ain’t rocket science.

  7. @ EdTV

    Agree with everything except movies tues and Thursday. When I can get any movie I like for 2 bucks from the corner store, or on Foxtels five movie channels all commercial free, why would I want to suffer constant ad breaks, pop ups, watermarks on FTA.

  8. Solution to Ten:

    – Get a serious news bulletin, Eyewitness news is woeful (could Brad McEwan be anymore up himself if he tried, he reads the news like it’s a bother to him, road reports from the air for people that are still driving home, comical and overdrawn weather)

    – Get Neighbours back on Ten at 6.30pm and kill The Project.

    – Return Sandra Sully to a serious national news bulletin at 10.30pm

    – Kill Wake Up but retain Studio 10.

    – Get back rights to Big Brother and return it to Sunday’s at 7.30

    – Reinstate Rush, White Collar Blue for new seasons (or similar cop drama).

    – Return Talkin’ ‘Bout Your Generation to Sunday’s at 6.30 before Big Brother.

    – Seek some serious movie content for Tuesday and Thursday nights.

    – Try and land a big fish Sport.

  9. First TEN sacked David Mott for bad ratings (two years ago their primary channel was delivering a 15% share) then they sacked James Warburton for dismal ratings (mid last year their primary channel was delivering a 13% share) now they have a whole new management team and are delivering a primary channel share of 9.4% last week and last night a 6.4%! The TEN board must be very proud of their decisions!

  10. David

    Out of interest sake, how did SYTYCD (US) rate when it was on 11 last year? I don’t think it was a big rater then.

    Also is it possible for you to ask the 10 programmers why they put SYTYCD against the two juggernauts? As a casual viewer, even I could see that was a stupid decision, especially for an Australian show.

    Looks like Ch 10 will need to screen wall to wall Bolt Reports. That will get the punters in!

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