★★★★★ 0/5
Bumped: What Really Happens in Thailand, How to Get Away with Murder
Plus Grimm is returning to Thursdays.
- Published by David Knox
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- Filed under Programming
More changes to Seven scheduling see What Really Happens in Thailand move from Mondays to Thursdays from next week.
It will next air at 9:30pm Thursday October 22nd. Next Monday at 9pm Seven screens The Big Bang Theory in double episodes followed by the return of Grey’s Anatomy.
How to Get Away with Murder also moves to 11pm.
Meanwhile Grimm is back at 11pm Thursday October 22nd.
“Cry Lusion”
A South American heiress living in Portland accidentally kills a pedestrian while driving away from what she claims is a talking wolf.
23 Responses
Repeats of the big bang, just what we need.
Why oh why can’t How to get away with murder be on at 9pm on 7TWO or Mate, surely it would get more viewers than the 1980s and 90s english repeats they dish up night after night on 7TWO
“Meanwhile Grimm is back at 11pm Thursday 22nd October” you little ripper that’s really good news, it means the DVD isn’t far away from delivery, sadly, our scheduling is months and months and months away
Good news about Grimm, but I’m sick of scouring the epg each night to find where each niche show I like has moved to.
I’m also total over scouring the epg for any show these days.
It’s good to see Grimm return to the schedule.As others have said,it might be better if these first run shows are shown on one of the digital channels in prime time rather than being shown late at night on the primary channel.It’s certainly worth a try.
Is this where I look smug and say “I told you so”? This sort of BS just re-affirms my decision to abandon Aus commercial FTA. Thing is, a lot of other people are finally getting sick of being treated like crap and are doing the same. Monday, biggest night of the working week, and the top-rating program is ACA on 1.1M. The highest-ranked drama is House Husbands in 12th on 847K.
If the bulk of US dramas are rating that poorly that they have to be screened post 10pm, why not try premiering it at 8:30pm on a multichannel for actual fans of these shows, then rerun it after 10pm on the primary channel.
Way too sensible an idea to be adopted!
It kind of reinforces the perception that the key quality you require to be a programmer is…..learning difficulties/special needs……..
Sadly, it seems so :)
That’s what I’ve been saying for weeks but its falling on deaf ears.
Seriously I think people with special needs and learning difficulties could do a better job. I think comparing programmers to this group is in poor taste. I understand the sentiment that the Programmers appear to have no skill, so I agree that they do not seem to have a clue but I dislike the inference that learning difficulties and special needs are comparable.
(I am not having a go, just highlighting that people with special needs and learning difficulties deserve a fair go!)
Because it won’t rate much better on the secondary channel, especially if The X Factor or something is staggered against it. And if you have older viewers watching a lineup on your secondary channel and you stick something from your main channel in the middle of it, you take viewers from your main channel costing your money, and lose the older viewers whose programme is gone.
TV programmers know how to maximise revenue across the week. You don’t win by getting marginally more viewers for one show at the cost of more revenue elsewhere.
Nine did that a bit when GO launched. They stopped when they realised everyone was watching the late-nite re-run instead of the first run.
Looks like Ten for me as I can not stand Big Bang Theory. and i agree with some of the other comments in saying that they should move first run drama to another channel,, us oldies like to get to bed early
Bumping new content for reruns is why free to air is dying.
Still think that greys, htgawm and scandal should’ve been allocated one night on a multichannel and given a better start time than the shit time of 10.14pm ish for greys.
Wondered when GA was going to return. I don’t think it’s ever been on a Monday. That’s new channel 7 :/ Thanks as always David for keeping us in the loop. I don’t watch 7 live anymore so would miss any (possible) promos.
I vaguely recall it being on Monday night at some point. Its had so many different timeslots its hard to remember where its been anymore.
The first couple of seasons were on Monday night. I remember as it premiered when Desperate Housewives first season ended, taking over its Monday 8.30 slot.
Yes, that is what I recall. It did begin after Desperate Housewives! I concur with all comments that the constant time slot change does not ingratiate viewers to stick with a show. I think the double eps a few seasons ago really annoyed long term viewers and many switched off then!
What happened to the Amazing Race at 10:30pm on Thursdays then?
TAR follows WRHiT.
So they shift new local content for the 1000th rerun of Big Bang, and bump new drama to the later time of 10pm. They then wonder why drama doesn’t rate, why people download and why local content decreases in viewership. Glad I avoid FTA.