
Airdate: Yummy Mummies

3 Melbourne & 1 Adelaide expectant mums flaunt their "latest accessory" ...a baby bump.

Seven’s overt new series Yummy Mummies premieres Sunday night following House Rules grand final.

The series features 3 expectant Melbourne mothers and 1 from Adelaide. Clearly pitched at a Real Housewives audience, the show sees the mums become competitive with over the top baby showers and shopping obsessions … as yet it isn’t really clear why.

Suggestions a baby bump is their “latest accessory” may cop some criticism, but networks love noisy shows.

You have been warned!

These stunning young mums-to-be have model good looks, glamorous lives and are never seen without their high heels, designer wear and latest accessory: their baby bump!

The Yummy Mummies make elaborate plans for motherhood and have outrageous opinions of what to expect while they’re expecting.

In Melbourne, Lorinska Merrington, Rachel Watts and Jane Scandizzo await the arrival of their soon to be pampered princes and princesses. The Melbourne Yummy Mummies are committed to their stylish social calendar and are firm believers that no baby is going to come between them and their luxurious lifestyles. These women are straight talking and hilarious; when they’re together no subject is off limits.

In Adelaide, Maria Digeronimo and her excitable Italian family get ready to celebrate the arrival of their first grandchild. Their obsession for shopping reaches new heights as they discover designer babywear, gadgets, prams, ridiculous accessories and lavish nurseries.

No expense is spared for the arrival of their precious baby. Maria and her family plan an elaborate baby shower and the Melbourne Yummy Mummies are invited.

When all the Yummy Mummies meet things get competitive as they try to outdo each other with the most lavish baby showers, extravagant push presents and luxurious baby moons. These indulged mums-to-be can’t help their hormones as opinions and sparks fly between them.

As the bumps get bigger so do the demands and naïve expectations of these mums- to-be, but before they know it their perfect lives are due to be turned upside down because… the babies are coming!

9pm Sunday on Seven.

11 Responses

  1. I must sent my apologies to the programmers at Seven – I already have an existing appointment to be flayed alive in hot oil while getting my eyes poked out with hot rusty skewers that night, so I won’t be able to enjoy the debut of Yummy Mummies.

  2. They’ve been advertising this show since last year if i’m not mistaken. Every time I see the ad I cringe and think who on earth will want to watch it?? I cant believe that someone thought this would be something that Australia needs to see. I’d rather watch test patterns. It would be more interesting.

    1. Same as well. Why do 7 continue to produce a lot of insipid Garbage?
      Will join along with duds e.g. Big Adventure, Restaurant Revolution, Aussie BBQ Heroes, Zumbo, TBMQ.

      1. All networks have their flops. If you’re suggesting Seven has more than most it’s probably because they are throwing more darts at the board. TEN is more heavily reliant on US content for example.

    1. Same here, I really hope I don’t know anyone who would watch this. I’d have to reconsider the friendship. I know this show made sure people in the TV industry were employed, but we do not need this lowest form of intelligence show on TV. The money could have been better spent on something more intellectual and perhaps educational, is that too much to ask?

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