
Nine stunt backfires with Marcia.

For once, it was a case of not being “more than welcome.”

Marcia and Deni Hines were at the centre of a backfired stunt being shot by Nine’s Surprise, Surprise Gotcha.

The gag, according to Confidential, involved a ‘comedy of errors’ by an actor unfolding at the Rangoon Racquet Club in Crows Nest.

But Marcia wasn’t in a laughing mood, and totally ‘spat it’ when she learned it was part of Nine’s new show.

“She didn’t like being set-up and I don’t think she liked the fact that she didn’t have her hair and make-up done either,” said a source.

A spokesperson for Hines added that it was badly organised.

9 Responses

  1. In the old series of Surprise Surprise that aired years ago, there was a stunt with Nicky Buckley they decided not to air because Nicky freaked out thinking her kids were injured.

    Goes to show they don’t really plan these things too well.

  2. It’ll be a miracle if the show survives long enough for it to be aired.

    Didn’t an incident similar to this with a celeb happen the last time Nine attempted a tired old hidden-camera show a few years ago? This all sounds like deja vu. But perhaps, given the network, that shouldn’t come as a surprise… 🙂

  3. That new show “Surprise Surprise Gotcha” is just so stupid, what a pointless waste of time and money!

    It’s all been done before…. 10 years ago or more!!

    I’d rather watch Matt Tilley sitting in front of a telephone making his Gotcha Calls, than recycled gags of the 80’s and 90’s hidden camera shows…

  4. Yet another half baked show full of lame gags and humiliation … get a brain Channel 9 and come up with something decent for a change!
    No wonder you are yesterday’s news as far as TV in Australia is concerned!
    And leave Marcia alone … it is only funny if BOTH sides are laughing!

  5. We’ve always heard rumours both she and Deni were Divas, but this proves it. Will NINE have the guts to show it, or at least “leak” it onto youtube for the rest of us to enjoy.

    I would assume Marcia would have to sign a release form for it to actually be shown on television.

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