
TEN snips Californication scene

The TEN Network has made an edit to next Monday’s episode of Californication in order to meet classification rulings.

The episode “The Devil’s Threesome” includes a sizzling sex scene between David Duchovny, Evan Handler and a female.

The actress plays a character the two men pick up at a gym, and is invited back to the boys’ pad.

Spoilers and adult content follow.

In a subsequent scene, Charlie, played by Evan Handler wants to have sex with the girl, but she is more interested in Hank (David Duchovny), who typically isn’t much into anything at the time. So Charlie coaxes the reluctant Hank into a threesome.

What unfolds in its original form is eye-popping television.

While the girl performs oral sex on Hank, Charlie is having intercourse with her from behind. But as Hank gets bored, the girl lays on him, legs in the air and an enthused Charlie drops to his knees to then perform oral sex on her.

She becomes so excited that she ejaculates right into Charlie’s face -just as his wife and Hank’s ex walk in the door. A stunned Charlie bursts into laughter.

Needless to say it’s one of Californication’s more up-front scenes.

TEN says it has been edited slightly to adhere to Australian Broadcasting Standards. The program is currently under investigation by ACMA following pressure from religious and family groups.

TEN advised the edit is a few seconds less than in its original form. “The editing that has been made will not affect the synopsis or the flow of the program. It was, however, essential in order to keep in line with the classification guidelines,” a spokesperson said.

Don’t say we didn’t warn you.

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12 Responses

  1. ^
    That’s the ONLY reason why TEN would have cut the scene. I suppose they’re just sick of being bombarded with complaints.

    Although the scene is strong in impact, it’s way too brief to exceed the MA15+ rating.

  2. Remember when Sex and the City showed a female ejaculation? They even had a close-up of Samantha getting hit in the face. So the precedent is there…

    It would be sad if TEN cut that bit because of pressure from the religious right.

  3. saw it an hr after it showed in the States – why does anyone watch FTA?
    Really it was very funny – honestly what is all the fuss about??
    Still 9 will be happy – anything for free publicity – they need all the help they can get.

  4. We’ll have to wait until Monday to know, but I am guessing the moment of impact won’t be included. In the preview copy I was pretty shocked.

    Not offended, but certainly shocked.

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