
Movie cycle at Nine and TEN

Time for a good DVD? Here's two films we've seen a lot, thanks.

mean-girlsIt’s good to see a “new movie,” The Devil Wears Prada scheduled for TEN tomorrow night.

Last week we had to swallow About a Boy for the umpteenth occasion. For quite some time, there has been scorn at TEN’s movie programming, which seemingly repeats the same handful of films over and over.

The Devil Wears Prada is a first-run network film and a good one at that. So is Election starring Matthew Broderick tonight -at 10 years old, it’s just a tad late that’s all.

Well, enjoy them while you can.

Mean Girls is back 6:30pm SaturdayFebruary 14th. How many times have we seen this one?

Nine is also bringing back one of its oft-flogged flicks: Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous -on the same night.

It screens at 9:45pm Feb 14.

28 Responses

  1. Election is a great movie that hasn’t been shown enough. All the Adam Sandler movies seem the same so it’s easy to think we’ve seen one of his films many times before 😉

  2. Chill out Kelly, if you found the thread that boring you wouldn’t be replying to it. Obviously the other 21 responses to this thread disagree with you as this post has gotten more responses than a lot of the other news. The truth is Ten have been overplaying these movies, its not a question of their popularity, its a question of laziness. If Ten aired more films like Serenity and Devil Wears Prada and less monotonous crap like Mean Girls and About A Boy once every two months, then the problem wouldn’t exist.

  3. Boring… Not the TV stations but you Mr Knox! Your on going rant about movies on tv is like a boring support band…just can’t wait til the main act comes on! These are popular films I would imagine…no wonder they play them! Duh!!!

  4. I suppose because Tina Fey has done well in the Emmy, SAG and Golden Globe Awards (for 30 Rock come on 7 put it on earlier), it has given TEN a reason to run Mean Girls again, seeing as she was in it and wrote the screenplay for it, guess the coming promo’s will tell us if that’s TEN’s thinking.

  5. I miss the old repeats of Adam Sandler movies and Major Payne, lol they are the classics, and them putting Half Baked on at 12am at night on a Saturday oooh and channel 9’s “Body Guard” yes yes it doesn’t matter if its a repeat people will always watch.

  6. We haven’t seen True Lies or Last Action Hero for a while. How long before one of the networks repeats the Star Wars, Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings films again?

  7. I like that they play Mean Girls often. It doesn’t matter how many times they play it, I always tune in. If they keep on playing it then clearly the ratings must be showing it.

  8. Election has been on before, however 10 doesn’t repeat it to death like it does with about a boy/love actually/ anything with adam sandler etc….. 😀

  9. With so many movies available these days, I cannot understand why they need to replay the same one over and over. Some you see all the time, some you never see. Its a bit like a poor radio station playing the same songs every few hours as they are too scared to play anything different.

    Subject to what the story is with rights to broadcast, there are enough movies out there for all 3 channels to have their 2nd SD channel a movie channel. To be competitive, though, they’d have to cut out the ads and only advertise in between movies.

  10. “Mean Girls is back 6:30pm SaturdayFebruary 14th. How many times have we seen this one?”

    not enough… i don’t mind re-watching the movies at TEN. Ofcourse i’d like new movies, but mean girls, about a boy… etc are all fine.

    i bet a lot of people are going to watch mean girls…

  11. This is annoying. Kudos to Ten for TDWP, its a great film. But Mean Girls. Again? Disappear. As for Miss Congeniality 2, remove it. Sure the original rated bizarrely well (over 1 mill a few weeks back) but its like Nine’s version of About A Boy. Blarg. I reckon its only a matter of time before we see Love Actually and School of Rock now.

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