
30 Seconds cast ad nauseum

Peter O'Brien, Joel Tobeck, Gyton Grantley, Stephen Curry will feature in 30 Seconds, the new scripted comedy from the Denton camp.

pobPeter O’Brien, Joel Tobeck, Gyton Grantley, Stephen Curry and Jenna Lind will feature in 30 Seconds, the new scripted comedy Andrew Denton is producing for the Comedy Channel.

The show is a character study ‘based on the moral dilemmas people face, heightened by the excesses of the advertising industry and the three maintain no character in the show is based on any single person they know, but drawn from many of their real-life experiences.’

The show’s creators Tim Bullock, Justin Drape and Scott Nowell, who met in 2003 when they worked together at advertising agency Saatchi&Saatchi in Sydney, still work in the industry. The six part series will be directed by Underbelly’s Shawn Seet and the writing also includes SeaChange and Fast Forward gun Andrew Knight.

It is already being billed as the Frontline of the ad industry.

“People must be thinking I’m obsessed with advertising,” Denton says.

“I’ve loved the process of just being able to create something from the ground up. It’s entirely different working with actors and seeing them bring the roles to life. Advertising is so much in our faces and it’s the most popular popular culture there is.

“But the industry itself is full of all sorts of neurotic people making deals with the devil to get what they want.”

It’s no wonder Denton stepped down from being on air this year. His production company Zapruder’s Other Films is also packaging Project NEXT for ABC as well as The Gruen Transfer.

Source: The Australian

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