
MacPherson to quit City Homicide

Daniel MacPherson has his sights set on Hollywood, but with two shows on Seven something's gotta give.

danmcphDaniel MacPherson has confirmed he will quit Seven’s City Homicide, but remain with Dancing with the Stars.

He will move to Los Angeles in September, when his contract expires with the TV network. MacPherson said said he wants to continue working on the Dancing by flying back and forth from LA.

“I also have a wonderful relationship with Seven, beyond September I’d like to think there’s more work between us,” he told The Sunday Telegraph.

“One of my long-term goals has been to head to the States and my mantra has always been that I wouldn’t head over there until I’m 100 per cent ready,” MacPherson said.

Seven’s popular crime show will conclude its current series on March 29th but takes a break before returning with new episodes later.

Source: Sunday Telegraph

8 Responses

  1. You are crazy to leave England to come to the United States, England is gorgeous. The United States is going through the worst time in history and if Biden wins, communism, don’t come here, I love you on City Homicide. CA is one of the worst states to live in, very expensive, phony people and 40 percent homeless, Pelosi doesn’t give a crap about her own state, she doesn’t care about her people. Stay in England, you will be making a huge mistake.

  2. We have some fantastic actors in Aus so I don’t think it will hurt City Homicide if they lost both Simon and Duncan.
    Both Underbelly and Rush have shown us great Aussie talent…

    Good luck to Daniel in the USA.

  3. Have to agree with James i have never liked him and think he is a very average actor whose ego far outstrips his mediocre talent.

    Disagree about the other actors though they are all quite good. For me this can only be an improvement and i too wonder who they’ll replace him with. Hopefully not another wooden pretty boy.

  4. oh thats a shame he was a large part of the reason i watched it. will he be in the whole season 3? i hope they replace him with someone good. i would like to see the computer guy promoted to full time.

    a man with sex appeal can bring a lot to a show. there are a lot from home and away but they all seem innapropriate. i rekon give a job to an underbelly boy.

  5. Good riddance – never been a big fan of McPherson – he is such a wooden actor and not sure why there’s always so much hype over him – he was hopeless in the Bill. He and Aaaron Pederson are just laughable in City Homicide – they both just overact everything. Shane Bourne is about the only believable actor on the show.

  6. Thats a shame, I will miss Simon in City Homicide. Still at least we have Naomi Hazleherst, Shane Bourne and Nadine Garner.

    And does anyone know if Duncan ever does make it out of that coma in the end?

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