
Jonathan Ross secures Streisand interview

UK talk show star Jonathan Ross will devote an entire episode to his exclusive interview with Barbra Streisand.

barbra-streisandUK talk show star Jonathan Ross has landed a major interview with Barbra Streisand, on the eve of her new album release, Love is the Answer.

An entire episode, to be branded Friday Night With Streisand and Ross, will be devoted to ‘Babs.’

As well as discussing her career, Streisand will also perform some of her classics and material from her new album, released in the UK on September 28th.

The new collection of jazz standards sees Streisand performing tracks including Smoke Gets In Your Eyes and In The Wee Small Hours Of The Morning.

The BBC One show would be the star’s first studio interview in the UK since she spoke with Des O’Connor in the 1980s.

It will be broadcast in the UK on October 2nd.

Source: BBC

7 Responses

  1. Watched the show last night and the hour just flew by.
    Ross seemed genuinely in awe of his guest and admitted to being nervous, which is probably a first.
    His extensive knowledge of films helped, and BS appreciated his candour in revealing that he didn’t actually like one of her films!
    BS still looks a million dollars (which may well have been not far short of what she spent on her outfit, makeup and entourage), but who cares – she’s still the female equivalent to Frank Sinatra – ageless and evergreen.

  2. There’s a passage from Parkinson’s autobio that explains he never interviewed Barbra because her demands were too much and it took many years of negotiation before that Madonna interview happened.

  3. Hey David…. “Hello, Gorgeous” !!!… thank you for putting this up (i wouldn’t have known otherwise). Huge Babs fan for a very long time and am happy to see her do this. Hopefully channel 7 (?) will screen this soon rather than later.

  4. Wow.

    Barbra is notoriously difficult to get an interview with. Especially, something that will go relatively unedited.

    In past interviews with Barbara Walters she’s apparently been very hands-on with editing and the way she looks. I doubt she’ll have the same control with this.

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