
The Beast Below: sneak peek

Feast your eyes upon these glimpses from "The Beast Below" -the second episode of Doctor Who's new series.

Feast your eyes upon these glimpses from “The Beast Below” -the second episode of the current Doctor Who series.

The tale features the brash concept of the entire UK sitting atop a giant space ship in the universe!

Showrunner Steven Moffat is also here discussing some of the show.

This episode airs in Australia on April 25.

Looks fun!

12 Responses

  1. Can’t wait for this one, from the trailer it looks to be one of the scariest of the series, and the show. I wonder if the show is going to cop more flak about the companion played by Karen Gillan, for those who don’t certain UK newspaper have started complaining about how Karen Gillan’s inclusion in the show has made it sexy, called it slutty and other frankly incorrect statements. And the Classic Doctor Who fans, would know that this is downright wrong.

  2. Really excited about the new series. I hope they don’t do a will they / won’t they romantic storyline with The Doctor and Amy though, it’s been done with Rose. Hopefully they find a new dynamic with the relationship.

  3. In response to all that “Amy in her hightie” talk … I was a bit disappointed by the “Doctor without his shirt on scene” in The Eleventh Hour …. not much to get excited about …

  4. It is brilliant that BBC and ABC have got there act together and are allowing us to see the new episodes so quickly!!

    And there is a rumour that we will get even more of a treat next year!

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