
Lost answers, Lost questions …and lost credits

Last night's epic Lost finale was played without closing credits by Channel Seven. But fans are still scratching their head over the plot.

Last night’s epic Lost finale was played without closing credits by Channel Seven.

No sooner had Jack closed his eye for the last time (most seasons had started with an eye opening) were we whisked away to promos for the Yahoo website, a Pacific promo and then straight into the movie, Transporter 2.

For a show that kept us hooked for 6 seasons it was a pretty insulting blow to the creatives behind the show. Are there really no more executives working in television who think it’s respectful to acknowledge the people that actually supply them content?

In the US the Lost credits triggered more debates about hidden meanings, when ABC added shots of the plane crash. In a show where clues have been dropped across the 6 seasons, fans were debating whether the shotes were meant to conclude that no one survived Oceanic 815’s crash landing, and therefore everything we’ve seen over the last six years never really happened.

ABC has since had to quash those theories, insisting it added them to soften the transition from the moving ending of the series to the 11 p.m. News. It  never considered that it would confuse viewers about the actual ending of the show. The photographs were really just a nostalgic, transitional touch added by ABC executives — and not executive producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse.

Meanwhile a gamut of questions have now emerged about what was and wasn’t answered in the Finale.

Fans have converged online to debate whether the show delivered in its finale:

– Well we know what the alternate timeline was, and that Hurley was the protector of the island, after jack sacrificed himself.

– I’m not sure how that makes sense: Kate lived longer, so Jack had only been dead a few weeks? Shouldn’t that be the other way around?

– So what was the deal with the numbers, and the pushing the button?

– We learned you can fix a jet with duct tape!

A writer from Bad Robot has supposedly left some explanations of the show online (including with typos).

Or you could just let this clip sum up your feelings.

Source: LA Times,

36 Responses

  1. What a journey. I was initially a bit unsatisfied with the finale but, after taking some time to digest it, I’m much happier.

    Quite a few of the unexplained things were “easter eggs” put in by the writers for us the viewers to find and wonder about; eg a polar bear appearing in Walt’s comic. These are in-story coincidences and not relevant to the development of the plot.

    I feel sorry for people who are unhappy that not every little mystery was explicitly resolved within the show, but if you need to be spoon-fed *all* of the answers, try Agathe Christie or Midsommer Murders.

    @Paull: Juliet was referring to the resetting of the timelines (bringing them all back together) not to the alternative reality which, as we now know, was not a flash sideways but a kind of waystation/purgatory/whatever in the future after each person’s death.

    Like everyone else, Daniel was slowly becoming aware of where he really was, and was suggesting a hypothesis based on his current knowledge. Sometimes, even Daniel is wrong.

    If you take the time to read some of what the writers/producers have said/written, you’ll know that they said that the ending in the church was already written right at the beginning (and therefore not changed at the last minute). Whether you believe that or not is up to you.

  2. The island was never really sunk guys – that was just part of the alternative reality, which as we should now all understand, wasn’t set in real-time and was simply the mutually created meeting place for most of the Losties to reunite before moving on to the great beyond. So maybe that’s how the Losties all imagined how they’d like the island to be in their minds – sunk and no longer a problem to any of them.

  3. Watching the finale without watching many episodes after Season 2, made me want to go back and start again. But that clip really makes me wonder why I should bother.

  4. I knew I should have recorded it on 7TWO, I was so pi**ed with how Seven ended it after showing it all season on 7TWO they (Seven) go and screw up the end credits!

    Any chance it will air again on 7TWO or should I just wait for the DVD?

  5. There are 2 things that contradict the alternate universe being ‘purgatory’. First, Juliet says “it worked” after blowing up the hydrogen bomb and being transported to 2007.
    Second, Daniel faraday talks of, and explains to desomnd, how one could create an alternate reality if enough energy was released ( such as the blowing up of the H-bomb).

    Why did the writers change their minds and turn it into purgatory.

  6. heaps of those video questions were answered or have been figured out just by reading the lost ninja’s posts on yahoo7, there are probably even more that are answered if I were to read all the other internet discussions floating around. and most of the ones that weren’t answered don’t matter, there are only a few unanswered ones that are worth knowing. so on the whole I think they did a good job. just because the answers aren’t real world things that would ever happen doesn’t mean there wasn’t an answer, it is fiction, did people really expect a serious explanation of how one becomes a smoke monster that they could try at home.

    david S. – the island was not purgatory, they were not all dead the whole time, the writers didn’t lie, you didn’t understand the ending. please watch again and listen to christian more carefully, the flash sideways never happened, that was the afterlife, the island was real.

  7. There were so many plot lines set into motion during the previous five seasons that just went no where and were unanswered. Most viewers of the sixth season thought that the sideways universe was a real alternative universe created by a fracture in time from the bomb exploding at the end of season 5 so for it to turn out to be purgatory was a real cop out by the writers. And heres just a few questions that i can think off the top of my head that there appears to be no answers to. What the hell was the point of the time travelling in season 5 back to the seventies? What was the Dharma Initiative? What happened when they were all wiped out? What was the point of all those Dharma training movies with bits missing? What was so significant about Walt that the Others kidnapped him at the end of Season 1 and then we never really see him again except for when he appears to Locke after Ben Linus shot Locke and threw him into the mass grave Dharma pit. What the hell was the point of Charles Widmore during season 6 and what does he tell the MIB just before Ben Linus kills him. I could go on and on. It just seems to me that the writers were teasing the audience for the last five seasons and then took the easy route of making up something completely different that had no connection to those seasons (which i might add they had always completed denied the purgatory theories), as the conclusion for season 6.

  8. @Adam, yes I was a very regular viewer and no those questions were never answered. Most of the issues raised during the first five seasons were almost totally forgotten in the last three episodes or so. At every turn the writers took the lazy way out and used “magic” to resolve plot holes and paper over the cracks, it was simply an appalling breach of faith with the audience.

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