
Lost: Finale airdate

TV Tonight can now reveal the Australian finale details for Lost, as a 2.5hr primetime finale, including in HD.

And here it is…

TV Tonight can now reveal the finale details for Lost in Australia.

The final 2.5 hr episode will air 8:30 -11:00pm on Wednesday May 26th on Seven. It will also air in high definition on 7HD simultaneously.

It will be repeated later on 7TWO at 11pm.

Airing the final episode on Seven in primetime is a significant move by the network given it now has a cult audience.

In the US where it still enjoys broader appeal advertisements are being sold at a premium rate. It has also been elevated to a Sunday night finale by ABC on May 23rd which has created programming challenges for Seven having just caught up this week with an episode just hours off the satellite. That is believed to have required frantic behind-the-scenes organising with ABC just to deliver it on time.

A two hour catch-up special Lost: The Final Journey will air on  Tuesday 25th May on 7TWO at 9:30pm and repeated at 12 midday Wednesday May 26 on Seven.

49 Responses

  1. If you’re a hardcore fan do you really think you’re going to wait that long? Especially with a show that is pretty much all about getting the answers, it would be hard to not find out things. It’s nice that they’re doing so much for the show, but at the end of the day, the show’s main fans are not going to be watching channel 7’s offering. It’s ultimately wasted!

  2. Doh.. was hoping they’d screen it on Monday. Now the US would have seen it for a fair while allowing all the downloaders to have viewed it and spoilers will be everywhere.

    Still gotta be glad we’re not in the old times when it would be months later.

  3. Is the UK and New Zealand up to date? Do we have to avoid sites and shows from there too? It might be worth making a list of US shows to avoid for that 48+ hour period.

  4. No frantic behind the scenes organising at ABC to deliver the show is happening.

    Damon Lindelof tweeted the other day that they’d finished editing the final episode, as he walked out of the edit suite. It’s in the can, so to speak.

  5. Wow two of the most influential TV series ever – Lost and 24 ending in one week!

    I wonder what 7’s plans are for 24? They’ll probably just end it on 7Two as it never had a mass following in Australia.

  6. Good to see but at the same time a little disappointing, meaning it’s been put on the 2nd channel all season then they switch it around for the final, I guess Seven knows it’s going to take a hit on SOO so why not put it on the main channel.

    Same it’s not a few nights sooner but in this case I think I can wait the 2 days.

  7. If it was on Monday I would watch it, but out of fear of being spoiled via media sites and even twitter, only option is to either not communicate until Australian airing or obtain the episode via other means.
    Channel 7… too little, too late.

  8. I’m really not sure that I can be in a 2 day media blackout. I wouldn’t even be able to check normal news sites for normal news without being bombarded by Lost news. Not sure if I should watch on Seven or not, for fear of it being spoiled for me before I get to watch it. This should have really been on the Monday night (our time)

  9. ABC are obviously expecting a huge audience for the finale, and are charging $900,000 for a 30 second advert: tvbythenumbers.com/2010/03/28/lost-finale-900000-for-a-30-second-ad/46427

  10. Doubt it will rate well in Sydney and Brisbane against the State of Origin, but it is a good timeslot for this show, especially seeing as it is the finale …

  11. Excellent news. Lost has been a masterpiece of plotting, characterisation and suspense for 6 seasons, and I’m eager to see how they resolve the myriad unanswered questions that have plagued us during this epic show.

    Can’t wait to view the finale!

  12. Excellent time slot. I guess the Pacific won’t be showing? Not that I care.

    After last Wednesday’s excellent episode, I cannot wait. But also sad its all coming to an end.

    Guess all good things must come to an end.

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