
Lost kills off major characters

As Lost heads towards its huge finale this month, last night it killed off three major characters. Warning, details follow.

As it heads towards its huge finale this month, Lost is finally laying on the big moves.

Last night, it killed off three major characters: Sun, Jin and Sayiid.

It was an emotional final scene for the two Korean lovers, who perished in the submarine while trying to escape the island. Having finally been reunited, Jin refused to leave the trapped Sun as water flooded the sub.

Shortly before, Sayiid had sacrificed his life by grabbing a bomb and running away from the others on the sub. In doing so, he allowed Jack, Hurley, Sawyer and a wounded Kate to escape and swim for their lives, back to the island.

Of course, characters have been bumped off before by Lost and re-appeared in flashbacks, flashforwards and even, in the case of Sayiid, been miraculously revived. But there was a finality to the scenes last night and with the end in sight a twist would be a long shot.

On Twitter last night fans were sad about their demise:

“OMG what a heartbreaking #LOST episode! 🙁 NOOOOO Sun, Sayid AND Jin!! too much, that was to much…”
“Teary-eyed over Jin and Sun’s good-bye. #Lost #fb”
“OMG What did you think about Lost?! I’m shocked! Sun and Jin sure got the short end of the stick, didn’t they?”
“Still cant believe Jin and Sun are dead #Lost”
“Still reeling this morning from #LOST last night… why’d it have to be Jin and Sun?! :(”

The episode which aired on 7TWO and Seven last night was hot off the satellite from the US. Just three more episodes remain including the two-hour finale which yesterday got a boost two a movie-length 2.5hr finale.

Seven has hinted it has big plans for the last-ever episode which airs in the US on Sunday May 23rd.

43 Responses

  1. @Rick: FFS, if you don’t want to be spoiled don’t come to the website. Why is it David’s responsibility to wait until everyone’s watched the episode before posting? If it’s aired, it’s been shown, and it’s no longer a spoiler. So if you don’t want to know what happened, don’t come on websites like these.

  2. So devastated. Looks like if the man in black, aka fake locke, gets his way, they’ll all be dead. Jacob did say in the season 5 finale that ‘it only ends once, anything that happens before is just progress’ I don’t think it would be unreasonable to assume that the timeline we’ve followed since season 1 will result in the death and destruction of all characters, including Fake locke, and the sideways timeline will become the main one, with all the candidates regaining memories from the other reality.

  3. I loved it it was a a Awesome Episode can’t wait for N-Week.
    As for losing those characters i guess thats the best way ti bring in the drama.

  4. How bout getting Seven to show the lost end title card before they show their dumb ad for catchup tv. If the finale will air on the Monday here and & show it on their HD channel, I’d be tempted to watch it on Seven. Otherwise it’s elsewhere…

  5. Defining a “Spoiler”:

    In this world where ratings include timeshifted data up to seven days after the screening, it’s really not cool to be posting spoilers in the headline of stories just hours after the show airs.

    While I agree that there should be no argument about posting a story immediately after a first-airing, it’s certainly not cool to spoil the episode in the headline.

    In the future, please craft headlines that don’t spoil the story line and that indicate that the story contains spoilers for those who haven’t seen the very latest episode.

    As for keeping the photos and details off the front page, remember that your site is also read via RSS — where I have just accidentally read the headline, then to get the link to this page (in order to comment) I have seen the photos.

    1. Rick this site continues to uphold a reactive response to television and is no different to US sites that blog after an episode has aired in order to report news, invite comment etc. This is where the online landscape is now at. This site has a long-held policy about alerting Spoilers for shows that have not aired and openly publishing on those that have. Lost aired last night in Australia. The storyline was a major one for those invested in the show. There was no ‘spoiling’ done in this headline or in this story. This argument has been rehashed numerous times where people expect a TV site to keep quiet on television news while it is openly published by US sites, Aus newspaper portals and Twitter. The worst thing I could do is keep changing the ground rules on what does and doesn’t define a Spoiler. RSS may be offered by the site but it’s not what the site is designed for or driven by.

      So we are all (once again) clear moving forward. Aired = Not a spoiler on this site.

  6. @ moo cow – The only way this article would be a spoiler is if the names were put in the title, which I’ve been critical in the past about, so thank you David.

    Having said that, there’s only like, 4 episodes to go. You didn’t think there would be any major deaths leading up to the finale? Lost ‘lost’ me 2 seasons back – people are dying and coming back on this show all the time, just like Heroes. There’s no emotional investment anymore. I remember the days when a character died on a TV show, they stayed dead 🙂

  7. Wow thanks for the “major” spoiler. No I wasn’t stupid enough to read the article but the title was enough for me to realize that “three major characters” get killed in this episode.

    1. It’s not a Spoiler. It aired last night.

      I even kept the photos and details off the front with the word: Warning.

      Some people surfing the net and visiting a TV site really need to grasp what a Spoiler is and what a Spoiler isn’t.

  8. Brilliant episode.

    People who don’t like Lost for it’s continual mysteries and questions forget how good this show is at character development and storytelling.

  9. Oh, and I forgot to say, everyone finally breaking down in tears over their loss was a 6 year wait worth waiting for. Very emotional scenes – but I doubt we’ve seen the end of the emotion just yet. 🙁

  10. Very sad indeed, particularly Jin and Sun’s final moments. It was appropriate that he would never leave her now that they’d truly found one another. I doubt at this late stage that they’d be miraculously revived – but who knows what will happen to the Jin and Sun in the alt-reality??? What will become of the alt-reality? Which is the real one? We still don’t know, and it’s not long now till we find out for sure. It’s going to be a gripping few weeks for we die hard Losties!

  11. that was some pretty heavy scenes last night. these characters were there from the beginning, only to be killed off right at the finish line – still can’t believe it.

    it would be funny if one of these guys floats up to shore – still alive. I think that airplane pilot is still alive

    i guess if they had just left the timer go down, the bomb wouldn’t have gone off

    on a lighter note, thank god we didn’t have to wait a week for this episode.

  12. It was sad to see the likes of Sun, Jin and Sayiid killed off but apart from that it felt like we didn’t learn anything.

    Hope Seven is plans to air the final over one night.

  13. Frank was also killed in the submarine.

    The deaths of these four characters was quite a shock especially with that of Sun and Jin. Considering what Sun and Jin have gone through their deaths was the most tragic and I am very saddened by it.

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