
Lost parodies

Ahead of this week's Lost finale, here's a little bit of an irreverent take on the iconic show. Plus actual Finale previews.

Lost finally draws to a close around the world this week. Expect a few posts on the significance of this one….

But first here’s a little bit of an irreverent take on the iconic show.

Some of these clips have advertisements but are otherwise pretty fun.

LOST: Those Meddling Castaways

And here’s two Finale previews.

Don’t watch these if you want to watch the Finale completely ‘green.’

6 Responses

  1. Paul, i’ve been one of the biggest lost fans ever and this season has been a mess. Individually lots of good episodes and idea’s however it’s all over the place. The most annoying aspect is that it has simply moved on and forgotten and in many places gone against the previous seasons storylines and character rcs with out explanation.
    It has not addressed so many major things, in favour of addressing recently introduced things with ties back to the show that were not major parts of the storylines, it ruins the past seasons. At this stage whole past season plot lines, character/group motivations are not either not explained or at odds with the show now. Major roadmarks along the way of big themes, story points, big wtfs? seem to have been forgotten.
    It could all change in the final, but to me this season has done so little to enhance the previous seasons. There’s so little added to enhance the storylines. Now the seasons, seem to have lacked any great plan. They make less sense now, because we expected answers to why people were doing/dif things, why mothers in birth died, why walt was special, if dharma was still active, where food came from, what the others were doing, why ben and widmore couldn’t kill each other.. which they now apparently can, why statues have four toes, what the others were about, why lockes dad appeared, why smokey only killed some people, howcome people could go two and from the island then all of a sudden can’t find it or know how, why hurley sees dead people, what was the ancient advanced civilisation on the island, why does it heal and many more things.

  2. Hilarious clips!

    I doubt there will ever be another show so original, mysterious, fascinating and theorized on commercial tv.

    I do hope they’ll provide some answers to some niggling questions I’ve had but in true Lost fashion I guess they’ll lead to more questions!

    I can’t believe it’s all going to be over in a few hours….

  3. This season has lived up to all expectations, and then some. Sure I’m dissappointed they left the whole walt story arc, from seasons 1 and 2, with not conclusion- but that’s about the only thing unanswered.

  4. What a major disappointment this season has been. Even the actor who plays Hurley says some questions will be left unanswered come series end.

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