
40,000 Germans welcome home Lena

Meanwhile serial pest 'Jimmy Jump' is released from custody and there are calls for Scotland to break away from the UK entry next year.

In the shakedown of Eurovision 2010, Germany is feeling the love from Europe again.

After not winning the contest since 1982 and perhaps even wondering whether its role in two world wars was still smarting with its neighbours, the country was smiling yesterday.

19 year old Lena Meyer-Landrut was cheered by a crowd of 40,000 in Hanover on Sunday. The arrival was also shown on two channels on television, where it was watched by about 5.5 million people in total.

“This is absolutely insane! Man, oh man,” she told the crowd. “It’s so amazing!”

After inviting her to sign the northern German city’s Golden Book, Mayor Stephan Weil said the last time a single person had drawn such a crowd was the visit of Britain’s Queen Elizabeth.

There is already talk she may defend the title in 2011 (bad move, Lena).

Several German cities have started jockeying to host next year’s Eurovision, including Hanover, Berlin and Cologne.

Meanwhile serial pest ‘Jimmy Jump’, who interrupted Spain’s performance was released from the Asker Ogbaerum police station in Oslo after paying a fine of 15,000 Norwegian krone (1,880 euros).

‘Jump’, whose real name is Jaume Marquet Cot, had already updated his Facebook page with a link to a videoclip showing his “invasion” of Diges’ performance. His following went from 9,000 to 19,000 in a matter of hours and is fast approaching the 40,000 mark. His own website was blocked by authorities shortly after he was arrested. His “invasion” was seen by over 150 million people worldwide.

He had made no secret of the fact that he was in Oslo, uploading photos of himself in the Norwegian capital on his Facebook page in the days prior to the contest, but the organisers say they “were not informed” of his presence in the city.

After being released, Marquet spent the day signing autographs and handing out photos of his other notorious “invasions”.

In the UK, which is licking its wounds on landing in final place, the broadcast was seen by just 5.54m -the lowest ever audience. It was down by 2.3m.

Scottish songwriter and music producer John McLaughlin wants to write a track for a separate Scottish entry into next year’s Eurovision.

“It was the worst piece of television I’ve ever seen. I’ve actually heard better karaoke singers, performing after 10 pints,” he said.

“So the person chosen was a nice enough bloke but he really was a second-rate karaoke singer. Then you heard the song.”

“I totally respect Stock, Aitken and Waterman for what they did for pop music but this song sounded like one of their B-sides or a reject from 1981.”

If that happens, will Wales follow?

Source: The Local , Think Spain, Daily Record

4 Responses

  1. I don’t think bloc voting affects who wins, and it never has. The really good songs get votes, then the bloc thing kicks in afterwards.

    Except when Greece won a few years back with that awful woman howling away. that was just a travesty.

  2. For me, Eurovision = care factor zero. It’s not even camp or funny anymore, especially without Terry Wogan’s comments. The Eastern Europeans all trying too hard and everyone else is just going through the motions.

  3. the UK split has been suggested before, the criteria to enter is that the country must have a broadcaster that is a member of the EBU, the only one of those in the UK is the BBC, unless the BBC decides to field separte entries under “BBC Wales”, “BBC Scotland” etc then nothing will change, I dont see the BBC doing that in the current economic climate. On the plus side, the UK this time seems to realise it came last because of a crap entry and there hasnt been much bitching about bloc voting, which is good, because other than the former Soviet countries, I thought the bloc voting was minimal. If the BBC is to continue though, they need to have a re-think of their selection, maybe they do what Germany did this year, just have an open call for songs nationwide and see what comes up..worked this year for the Germans!

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