
Kerry O’Brien to interview Tony Blair

An interview with Tony Blair is set for Tuesday's 7:30 Report... but Aussie politics may yet get in the way.

Kerry O’Brien will interview former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair on The 7.30 Report tomorrow night.

Blair will discuss his recently released memoir and answer questions about his policies during his 10 years as the British PM.

But the timing may not necessarily work in his favour.

The state of Aussie politics tomorrow may see the interview bumped until Wednesday night ….and even that’s pretty optimistic with the way the state of play is looking.

One Response

  1. Channel 9 is stealing 7.30 report’s thunder, by airing bits of an interview it has done with Tony Blair this morning on Today. ABC did what it had to do last night and scored a great first interview post care taker period with Julia Gillard, and then with Katter and Windsor. 7.30 should be a good one tonight anyway!

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