
Favourites return for MasterChef Live event

Former MasterChef contestants Alvin Quah, Jimmy Seerval and Courtney Roulston have joined the MasterChef Live event.

Former MasterChef contestants Alvin Quah, Jimmy Seerval and Courtney Roulston have joined the MasterChef Live event, to take place in Sydney in December.

The three have been signed up by sponsor Coles for the Masterchef Live food festival in the Royal Hall of Industries.

The event includes some of the best names in the biz including top chefs Mark Best, Neil Perry, Kylie Kwong, Justin North, Christine Manfield, Peter Gilmore, Adrian Zumbo, Donna Hay Maggie Beer plus Gary Mehigan, George Calombaris and food crit Matt Preston.

The 3 day event takes place 10-12 December at the Hordern Pavilion and Royal Hall of Industries, Moore Park.

Matt Preston said, “George, Gary and I are really looking forward to getting hands-on with the visitors and giving them a real behind-the-scenes taste of the MasterChef experience which they won’t get anywhere else.”

Sounds like an 11 out of 10.

5 Responses

  1. As usual the Red team wins again,good on you judges you are so predicitable,not once have you given the blue team any confidence,they are thrown in and it is either sink or swim,but before the red team began their challenge they are at a advantage.but it shows just how great you judges are,the blue team had to take over from the red team with no instructions, what A shame you choose their dishes as they had mistakes,as many as the blue team. Seems you prefer the girls even though their mistakes were just as bad as the blue team but we all know whom you prefer,shame,shame on you.this is about the airport dining show.about time you played it faif just once.hopefully we will get some better judges sometime,

  2. I don’t know anyone that was a fan at any point of Jimmy (I only do curries) Seerval or Courtney (I may in fact be a bloke) Roulston. Them being on board is hardly a selling point is it? May as well get Joanne to host the thing while they’re at it.

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