
Q & A: Feb 21

Queensland Premier Anna Bligh joins the panel coming from Brisbane on Monday night.

Q&A will be coming from Brisbane on Monday night at 9.35pm ESST on ABC1.

Tony Jones will be joined by:

Premier Anna Bligh
New Climate Commissioner Tim Flannery
The Coalition’s Barnaby Joyce
Cape York businesswoman Gina Castelain
Queensland state director One Nation Ian Nelson

It airs 9:35pm Monday on ABC1 and live AEDT on ABC News 24.

4 Responses

  1. @ Armchair Analyst

    I doubt any infrastructure would have prevented the floods or the cyclone. As for the residents living in low lying areas, they were all made well aware that they were in a low lying area. Brisbane had a couple of day’s notice that the city would flood, and the State Government and Brisbane City Council could not have done more to inform those who were in it’s path. The Government did not keep people in the dark, on the contrary the premier held a media conference every 2 hours to warn people of what to expect, where and when.

  2. Another good lineup on Q & A this week. I will be most interested in what Anna Bligh has to say about the state of Queensland’s infrastructure and i mean pre floods and Cyclones. Hopefully she will be asked by some brave and intelligent member of the audience why is it that her Government didn’t invest more in infrastructure (roads, drains and water catchments) in preparedness for this exact kind of disaster instead of whinging and whining about the mining tax. Also why the bureaucrats and govts didn’t warn the people if their home was in a low liing area? Instead they kept it to themselves and kept the people in the dark. Now they expect the whole nation to pay for the Queensland Govts blunders, incompetence and penny pinching. That bill will most likely pass. Still it is morally and ethically wrong for the whole nation to pay for the incompetence of a few, in saying that this is nothing new.

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