
Oops. Larry Emdur eats producer’s ice-cream.

Morning Show executive producer Sarah Stinson wasn't happy when Larry Emdur started eating into an ice-cream tub.

Morning Show executive producer Sarah Stinson wasn’t happy when Larry Emdur started eating into an ice-cream tub that was a prop during a segment today.

So she walked onto the show to tell him so.

I’m with you Laz….

39 Responses

  1. Man some of you people need to seriously lighten up… Producers are notoriously curt and business-like in my experience, looked more like making light of it and having a bit of fun.

    I think the EP walking on the set and telling him off like a school kid is well within the fun nature of the show, the big boss who’s ice cream was eaten would surely see the end result as amusing.

  2. was this a ‘setup’ for Ben and Jerry’s Ice cream? like matt Moran’s blow up?
    All it is doing is making people want to go out and buy some.

  3. she needs a chill pill, you can get ben & jerry’s at the local video ezy, it might be expensive but not expensive enough to warrant marching onto a tv show, advertisers pay a whole lot more than $12 to get that amount of airtime.

  4. How unprofessional. Walking onto the set to chastise Larry, then telling him to see her upstairs later. She should appear today and make an apology.
    She came across as an uptight (put in your own word)

  5. OMG it’s ice cream! XD who cares if it’s expensive or not and it serves the producer right XD (Why is it there??? and why did it have to be the bosses? Why is it at the studio? It’s Basically asking for it) even if it was an Expensive ice cream why couldn’t they buy a cheap tub for what ever is that they’re doing?

    Basically they just embarrassed themselves lol Being extremely professional! XD

    The producer can easily buy Another one (I’m sure their not poor)

    XD aswell as there’s a tub of it lol it’s not like he ate all of it….

    Poor boss chucking a sad for ice cream….

  6. if its for real…all i can see if someone bullying someone else and something seemingly more to it than “just the ice cream”, or its just all drivel for the cameras, but either way…it sums up television these days…just do any ole rubbish to fill air time

  7. Sorry sweetheart, but your a producer not on air talent. You stand behind the cameras and keep your mouth shut while the show is on air regardless of who is eating your ice cream. Anyway why did she use her own ice cream for a prop? dont channel 7 have a petty cash tin to buy extra props?

  8. hehehe. I saw this when it happened. It was way awesome.

    Wonder if they’ll be there tomorrow?! After all; no one takes someone else’s ice-cream! 😉

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