
Returning: My Place

Season Two of the critically-acclaimed children's series My Place returns to ABC3 next Sunday.

Season Two of the critically-acclaimed children’s series My Place returns to ABC3 next Sunday.

Based on the book by Nadia Wheatley and Donna Rawlins, the guests this season include Rob Carlton, Kate Bell, Sarah Snook, Martin Jacobs, Kate Mulvaney, Ben Oxenbould and Andrew Ryan.

My Place, the Logie award-winning ABC TV drama, returns for a second series on ABC3. This time the drama takes us further back in Australian history, with stories ranging from 1878 to a time before European settlement. Over the 130 years we look at the tales of 13 kids, all of whom have a knack of getting into some sort of trouble. The 13-part half-hour series is a child’s-eye view of Australia’s history told from the same spot in Australia, with each episode set 10 years earlier than the one before.

Produced by Penny Chapman and Helen Panckhurst, My Place is based on the acclaimed, multi-award-winning children’s book by Nadia Wheatley and Donna Rawlins. The series is also accompanied by a rich and interactive website (www.abc.net.au/abc3/myplace) in which kids and their families can experience more of My Place.

My Place – the series, the website and the book – is a rare kids’ story of Australia.

Henry believes he is a brilliant inventor. When he accidently blows up the school house he’s expelled and has to find a way to get back in. The trouble is, his plan involves more inventions.

Alexander Graham (Henry, 1878) Alex is 13-years-old. My Place is Alex’s first major television role. Script by Greg Waters. Directed by Michael James Rowland.

It premieres 5pm Sunday June 26 on ABC3 and continues each Sunday for another 12 weeks.

5 Responses

  1. I love to watch this with the kids – its like a social history lesson without being a social history lesson. And a walk down memory lane for adults!!

  2. Brilliant, brilliant show. Adults love this show as much as kids do. I’m 26 years old male and I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of the first season that I watched each episode a 2nd and 3rd time, its like travelling through time watching each episode going ten years back. This authentisity is remarkable and really does show Australia can make excellent television and tell fascinating stories. Good on ya, ABC!

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