
Sunday Night: July 31

Sunday Night will tackle the 2001 murder of British backpacker Peter Falconio with footage never shown to the jury.

It’s been a story that has fascinated us through headlines and already been a telemovie, Joanne Lees: Murder in the Outback.

Now Sunday Night plans to tackle the 2001 murder of British backpacker Peter Falconio with footage never shown to the jury and contentiously includes phone calls from convicted killer Bradley John Murdoch.

Ten years after the outback murder that shocked the world, convicted killer Bradley John Murdoch has a message for the Australian public.

Serving 28 years in jail for the cold-blooded shooting of British backpacker Peter Falconio, and the kidnapping of his girlfriend Joanne Lees, Murdoch is an angry man with something to tell.

In a series of chilling calls from behind bars Murdoch tells his story, in his words.

He reveals the results of a new investigation into what happened at Barrow Creek, and makes explosive claims that missing Peter Falconio is still alive – and he has the proof.

It was a sensational murder trial with no body, no weapon and no motive. But the jury believed Joanne Lees’ evidence that Falconio was shot in cold blood and she then managed to escape.

Joanne Lees is now 37 years old and lives alone in the English countryside, refusing all requests for interviews.

But this exclusive Sunday Night investigation includes dramatic video of Joanne Lees never played to the jury, which adds a further twist to this never ending mystery.

Sunday Night airs on Sunday July 31 at 6.30pm on Seven.

8 Responses

  1. Moanique in Brisbane, you’re an idiot… her DNA was in his car… Psychopaths don’t need a motive… & what was Joanne Lees motive if you claim she is guilty. This man is clearly guilty & thanks to Joanne Lees being so brave, she has prevented this from happening to many other people.

  2. very upsetting to watch; no doubt in my mind that they have the killer behind bars. Such a shame that Sunday Night would even report the convicted killers story??? Feel sorry for Peter’s Family and Joanne.

  3. Disgusting – the whole item on television. When the mention was made of Joanne Lees having the dna on his t-shirt this was never raised with the ex-crim lawyer who claims this animal is innocent. How did his dna get on Joanne Lees t-shirt and how was a judge and jury able to find this person guilty. The whole item on television lacked credibility. Poor Falconios and poor Joanne Lees. Why does she have to put up with this yet again.

  4. Murdoch is obviously an evil man and of course he would want to try and use any tactics possible to throw blame away from himself. Don’t be sucked in by this nasty piece of work.

  5. Can’t wait. Too bad I won’t be at home, and will probably forget to record. Do these shows ever get replayed? I doubt it……..

  6. This is going to be one exciting episode of Sunday Night. I cant wait. The legal system is no stranger in prosecuting and then gaoling people who are later found to be not guilty, and that is because australia’s reputation was hurt and people wanted someone to pay for that and that person seemed to be Murdoch. There is always a scapegoat in a case like this. I have no doubt that the key players in the Phone Hackiong scandal will get off and someone who is lower on the food chain will get gaoled.

  7. This looks really interesting. I’ve always wondered how Joanne Lees could have got the description of how she escaped from the “killers” van so wrong. My god, I hope there is not an innocent man rotting in jail. I find it so hard to believe the jury found him guilty with no body, weapon or motive, baffling.

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