
Bah, humbug, Seven trims the Christmas party

Seven's bumper year will end with a partially-funded Christmas party for staff.

As everyone knows Seven Network has led the year with bumper ratings and leading in advertiser revenue.

So it’s a little surprising to learn that the annual Christmas party is getting a trim. And that’s not a tree trim.

The Courier Mail initially reported that Seven management had banned staff Christmas parties this year as a cost-cutting measure.

“Channel 7 is not holding a staff Christmas party this year,” a spokesperson said. “Everyone will understand, especially our staff, the need for careful corporate spending at this time.”

But now it has updated its story as (another?) Seven spokesperson clarifies: “Seven will be holding Christmas functions in each state but they will only be partially-funded by the network.

“This decision, along with a number of other cost-saving initiatives, was taken in consultation by management at each Seven station.

“Mr. (Kerry) Stokes had absolutely nothing to do with this decision. He leaves the day-to-day running of Seven’s television operations to the executive management team.”

Gotta love partially-funded Christmas parties.

24 Responses

  1. Ryaneco well said.
    Maybe they should look at their executives and CEO’s fat pay packets. They are between $2 – $5 million per year in some individual cases. That’s allot of Xmas Party. Is the network reeally on the bones of it’s bum? That portrays a very negative picture of the market and the company. It has been reported in the Fin. Review there are more cost cuts to come at 7. Look out.

  2. Hey – what with the $250 Million from the government handout (and remember, there are No conditions that it be used to fund local) – plus the fact that it’s the number one network at the moment (Ker-ching)… of Course they can’t afford a party.It’s been a tough year, mate.

  3. Maybe Seven wants to shed some skin with the grass being greener on the other side… if sign up now and you might get a reinstated Christmas hamper !
    Nows the time to go poach some talent LOL

  4. I work for Pacific Magazines/Seven Network and as much as I’m devastated to not have a Christmas party we didn’t have mass cost-cutting retrenchments during the last few years that ACP/Channel 9 had. I’d rather miss out on a Christmas party and still have a job to go to next year.

  5. I work with my colleagues all year – i don’t need to celebrate xmas with them – in fact I try to take early leave so i don’t need to attend. The pennies that the company spends on Xmas parties would be far better in my pocket thank you very much. They throw a little function and then management expects you are everlasting grateful.

  6. The previous place I worked for we always had to pay for our own Christmas party. It can be hard for those not on a high salary. Still it is nice to stop work and have a few drinks etc.

  7. also worked in TV at one of the big three and never got many freebies at all!
    im sure some do… but i’m still shocked by this from the #1 network.
    even in the depths of the GFC we had a party in the carpark

  8. Having worked for Nine a few years ago, I can tell you that most staff at TV Networks get lots of freebies, i.e movie & concert tickets,CD’s. DVD’s, Books etc throughout the year. So they do pretty well, perhaps if they have to pay for their own alcohol they may be less likely to over-indulge

  9. @downtoearth

    You do have a point but put it this way.. the starving in the Horn of Africa isn’t going to stop on whether the Seven Network has it’s Christmas party or not. Not everyone at Seven is a high roller on a six figure salary. I’m sure there are admin and office workers ect on a basic wage who do want a chance to let their hair down and feel appreciated by the company they’ve worked their butt off for the whole year.

    Seven might be leading in advertising revenue but their costs for programming and productions I’m sure are also the highest of the all the Networks. Maybe they do want a tighter ship going forward.

  10. Why do people constantly complain that their companies aren’t spending huge amounts of money on just giving them things. When did Aussies become such massive wingers?

    Yeah it’s a great tradition but everyone’s coping it at the moment and to sit around wining you’re not getting some free beer and a free feed is a bit lame. Doesn’t cost that much to get your colleagues together for a few rounds at the pub.

    Ho Ho Ho is slowly becoming Me Me Me.

  11. Tight asses my company turns over $15 million and are shouting us all to flights, accomodation, 3 course dinner and entertainment for our Xmas party!
    Seven would surely be able to shout staff a decent party!

  12. I work in media and our Melbourne Cup lunch was suddenly “bring your own plate” this year. Admittedly, the company did put on drinks, and alcoholic ones at that, but I think it’s the first time we’ve had to bring our own lunch!
    This is happening everywhere.

  13. This strange assumption that there is something wrong with an employers it he/she/they do not fork out a fortune on a Christmas Party. Call me essence of Bah Humbug, but the notion that this is some form of employee “right” needs to go.

  14. I just could not look away from this story without posting something. Channel 7 have done great things this year. Well done to them. They deserve something for there efforts.

    But there are people in this world right now begging.. absolutely begging for Food and here you are talking about a big fancy party that is only going to partially funded… Big Deal….. Xmas is not for ages…. Seriously people need to put things into perspective is this really such a big deal? We here in Oz have no idea of pain and suffering because we are so isolated from the rest of the world. My god there only paying half? If this is all people have to worry about, then they really have Nothing to worry about.

    I know this is the wrong place to type this sort of stuff…. but the images i see of the Horn Of Africa… make my heart so sad…. and to see people complain over something as so silly as an Xmas Party makes me so sick.

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