
Molly off life support and improving

Molly Meldrum was taken off life support on Christmas Day and is now responding to requests from doctors.

Family and friends of Molly Meldrum got a bonus Christmas present yesterday when the music guru was taken off the ventilator that has been his life support.

He is now responding to requests from doctors and slowly becoming aware of his surroundings.

Brother Brian Meldrum said told the Herald Sun, “(He) is awake and communicating. He is obeying commands, and communicating simple needs, such as he’s sore, or he is tired. And that is a big step along the way.”

He said Molly was yet to speak but was recognising voices.

Manager Mark Klemmens added, “He’s a bit sore and a bit uncomfortable, but it’s all a positive step and a great Christmas present for the family.”

Meldrum suffered a fractured skull, brain swelling and a punctured lung following an accident at his home over a week ago.

Source: The Australian

4 Responses

  1. Dear Molly, I hope and pray you recover, from your accident. Your dedication, heart, passion, support, willingness, encouragement, work ethic, laugh, giving, down to earth approach, is needed in this world. I can look past, you not going for the pies, and I know we caused you some pain in 2010, but I can look past that one fault and say come on get out of that bed and get back to what you do best and that is just being you.
    Take care
    Tony Ansett
    Lara Victoria

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