
Seven tops Super Sunday, but there’s a New Girl on the block.

Seven's coverage of the Australian Open defeated TEN's Super Sunday launch by a big margin, but it wasn't all bad news for TEN.

Seven’s coverage of the Australian Open defeated TEN’s Super Sunday launch by a big margin, but it wasn’t all bad news for TEN.

Seven ran away with a 39.6% share over TEN’s 23.1% and Nine’s 21.1%. The ABC had to settle for 12.0% and SBS just 4.3%.

The tennis served up a big 1.6m viewers followed by Seven News on 1.46m. Seven will be grinning over thwarting TEN’s brash move to get the jump on new shows, especially given it was a first strike by former Seven exec James Warburton, now TEN’s CEO.

TEN followed with New Girl the surprisingly strongest of its new offerings at 1.27m followed by Homeland on 1.22m, Modern Family on 1.12m and Young Talent Time on 1.05m.

While the numbers may not have stacked up the way the network anticipated, landing over a million for them all is a good result. Lately many of its shows have been slipping under the 600,000 mark. Time zone differences with the live tennis will also have affected the final tally.

TEN’s chief programming officer, David Mott, said, “Despite going up against a one-off event like the Australian Open, last night’s YTT premiere certainly had everybody talking. Throughout the night the show dominated the social media space, with seven of the top 10 Twitter topics dedicated to all things Young Talent Time.”

But the Sunday start by The Project has a long way to go, just 392,000 viewers tuned in, lower than its TEN News lead in of 429,000.

TEN has strategically scheduled replays tomorrow night for Young Talent Time (8pm), New Girl (9pm) and Homeland (9:30pm).

The battle left Nine in third place with all of its shows under the 1 million mark. Nine News was its best performer on 905,000 followed by two Big Bang Theory episodes (721,000 / 715,000). A new 60 Minutes was crushed on 592,000. Nine’s primary share was a lowly 13.2% -it will be grateful for the extra multichannel boost.

The news was also glum for ABC1 with ABC News its best on 607,000 and a new Grand Designs on a disappointing 606,000 viewers. Zen was just 493,000.

Once Upon a Time in Cabramatta was 275,000 for SBS ONE.

Sunday 22 January 2012

This post updates.

35 Responses

  1. Well Gimble the tennis may end, but the cricket comes on straight after. From Feb 5 there is 5 straight weeks of Sunday night cricket. So if Ten’s lineup isn’t as super as it’s being made out to be eg. YTT showing cracks, then the cricket should gobble up a few wavering viewers.

  2. The Tennis will end, and TEN will ownsunday nights i think. These shows are universally regarded as decent (except maybe YTT) and some of the best Sunday night entertainment a channel has put on in quite a while.

  3. Totally agree josh. I thought that was so funny with the ‘yeah’ lady ads. But they keep doing it over and over so i hit the mute button now. I feel like 7 are just using her, making her out to be an idiot. I feel sorry for her. None of the other teams are shown so much. I wouldnt be suprised if there is already a hate club on the internet about her. Just on a side note, i also hate all the sportsbet ads and those within the coverage of tennis because it seems gambling is in every sport coverage now.
    Loved ng but it would seem ytt is in trouble. I checked it out to see how different it is now. Great to see jy and the old team. If tina was live she was brilliant. Milsy was too over the top. But mostly the kids didnt sing that well if im honest. Didnt they have to beat 30000 other kids or something? Also i thought the stage was crap and didnt like the layout of the auidence, had a cold feel about it – too spacious. Its got the same feel as its a knockout reboot – not done right. But i really hope for the kids sake it does do well. And i hope milsy doesnt have to anwer anymore questions about paris hilton in interviews!

  4. For anyone who didn’t enjoy YTT.. keep in mind the real ‘show’ starts next week. So a bit unfair to compare it to X Factor ect. Come next week, hopefully the producers would have listen to social media opinion and iron out any flaws… at least that’s what they’re paid to do..

  5. I enjoyed Homeland, it looks to be the gritty drama i’ve been waiting for and it’s nice to see a drama which is not based around lawyers or medical people. I thought New Girl was a bit of a miss, but i’ll give it a few more weeks before switching channels.

    I didn’t even realise 60 minutes was on, but I don’t think I would have watched it if I’d known. Over recent years it’s become more about nasty one sided journalism and fluff pieces rather than interesting story telling. I remember an episode not long ago where Liam Bartlett was antagonising a group of soldiers somewhere in southern Europe and you could see he knew with the camera on him he could do and say what he wanted. He just sounded like an arrogant tosser and to be honest, as much as I hate that I felt this way, I was hoping one of the soldiers would just shoot him and put us out of our misery!

  6. Ouch for Nine, Good on TEN doing so well with the Tennis still on Seven.

    I thought YTT would do better but it might be a slow burner as the word spreads and more people check it out. I like New Girl, Homeland and still a fan of Modern Family.

  7. re: Secret Squïrrel says:
    January 23, 2012 at 1:13 pm
    Do have to agree – the start of Homeland was particularly weak, but it keeps on getting better and better and Claire Danes performance in the last 2 episodes is just incredible – some of the best acting I have seen. It si no wonder she took the Emmy. Stick with it, I dont think anybody will be disappointed…

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