
Nine Managing Director: “Very pleased with how we are travelling”

Video: Nine Managing Director Jeffrey Browne says, "We always thought we would come out strongly after Easter and that has proved to be the case."

Nine Managing Director Jeffrey Browne was interviewed by Adam Shand, former Sunday journalist, for The Australian.

“We’re very pleased with how we are travelling at the moment,” he says. “We have spent a lot of time, a lot of effort, a lot of money building this schedule, planning for it. We always thought we would come out strongly after Easter and that has proved to be the case,” he says.

8 Responses

  1. Have not watched 9 except for NBN News for years. It’s run a CVC which is on it’s last legs allegedly while at least GO has some classic content you can only live so much in the past before it gets too old for everyone. Except for Footy Classified and Dora/Diego and for a few months The Joy of Sets, 9 is a wasteland for the supermarket shopper segment of viewer

  2. Oh please..

    what about all the money and effort they put into Excess Baggage? This man was expecting things to turn around at the beginning of the year which it didn’t.

    Nice spin though

  3. It’s really great to finally see a Nine executive do a video/audio interview. The problem is he really doesn’t say a lot that we don’t already know.

  4. Whoaa big deal. A highly paid tv exec finally starts to do the bleedin obvious. They are better, but they could not have been much worse and still they continue to make stuff ups. No medals yet mate until you deliver consistently over a much longer period of time….

  5. Jeffrey Browne comes across in this interview as being across all the important issues and proving that a “steady as she goes” approach is the way to re-build their schedule. No wonder Nine are doing so much better. All he needs to do now is win the female audience back and they will leave Seven behind. That’s why the drama offering is so important. I think he’s really heard the message that when shows like Underbelly rely on T&A to win the night, they end up destroying the integrity of the brand. Nine is offering much more family-friendly programming than even a year ago and the schedule feels more stable. Impressive interview. Is this what he’s like all the time?

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