
Doctor Who returns new episodes soon in UK

Matt Smith has told Comic Con that a new Doctor Who episode would air in the UK within weeks.

New Doctor Who episodes set to air in the UK soon, possibly in late August.

Matt Smith told San Diego’s Comic Con panel that the first episode, Asylum Of The Daleks, would air within weeks, while its first public screening is at BFI Southbank on August 14.

The episode will also be screened during the Edinburgh International TV Festival, which takes place from August 23-25. BBC could also capitalise on major audiences for the Olympics.

There is speculation that the episode could be shown on BBC One the day after it is shown in Edinburgh. Let’s Kill Hitler was also shown at the festival and premiered on TV the following day.

The forthcoming series will see the Doctor’s companions Amy Pond (Karen Gillan) and Rory Williams (Arthur Darvill) replaced with Jenna-Louise Coleman being introduced in one of the later episodes.

The BBC has yet to confirm a start date for the series and ABC will be awaiting confirmation before it can consider adjusting its schedule in order to accommodate Who. It’s never easy trying to fast-track the season when the BBC keep the date under wraps for so long!

Source: Metro

6 Responses

  1. please please please have it tie-in to an “appearance” at the Olympic opening ceremony …

    Of course, he would also turn up at the closing ceremony, but he would turn up there by mistake, first …

  2. Pundits indicate that the BBC may screen the first episode on the weekend of August 25/6, and if the ABC keeps to the fast tracking it has been doing for the last few years that would mean a screening on September 1/2. Indeed, the ABC via iView and Facebook have been promising a September start.

  3. Good article David. Thanks. I really look forward to this. I’ll admit it’s the one show I really hope is fast tracked because of the Doctor Who sites I visit that can cause spoilers. Would it be too greedy to hope they could repeat it. Because I’ll admit last time our town had a power outage for one episode. So I really did need it. Plus if it’s a really excellent episode I don’t mind re-watching. I know I often forget to say this but thank you ABC for bringing us Doctor Who. Plus the BBC for making it.

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