
Ruby Rose shares her battle with depression

Performer Ruby Rose will take time out from her commitments to confront an ongoing battle with depression.

2013-04-01_0007Performer and DJ Ruby Rose will take time out from her commitments to confront an ongoing battle with depression.

Yesterday Rose tweeted, “It is with great sadness that despite everything I have tried in the short time I was given I am still losing my battle with depression.”

“As for cancelled dates this month im sorry. Very. But these things need attention sometimes. I urge u all to do the same if feeling down”

In response she received many supportive tweets:

Brad McEwan: I applaud you – your honest and brave message means so much to so many. Please seek help. Your sun will shine again.

Jessica Rowe: Hang in there gorgeous… Love, support and anti-depressants have been my savior… Lots lovexx

Didier Cohen: Take care of you first… Keep that head hight and mind clear.. Your heart and mind are as strong as that jab of yours.. xx

Charlotte Dawson: *love* & I’m seeing an outpouring of love & support for you here!

Holly Byrnes: reach out for help Ruby. Can u call a friend or get to a hospital?

Sarah De Bono: Hope your okay girl, chin up! This crazy world has its ups and downs. I got your back if you ever need to talk, holla x

Ryan Carter: so brave of you. Take care of yourself girl. x

Encouragingly Rose also confirmed she was not giving up.

“No no! Im not giving up. You know that aint me! Im just addressing it and putting it before anything else right now xxx love u,” she tweeted.

“God! Thank you so much for all these beautiful tweets. Another reminder of what is important. I wasn’t expecting that all.”

It takes a lot to admit such things publicly, especially when self-esteem is low.

Best wishes for a return to full health.

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8 Responses

  1. As someone with depression I’m going to be cynical here and say she’s lucky she’s able to publicly announce her depression and take time off to deal with it. A lot of depression sufferers who aren’t in the public eye have to suffer in silence as a lot of workplaces still stigmatize depression, and even if they don’t aren’t willing to give people time off for depression in case people abuse it. So we still have a long way to go.

  2. Ruby, I have been though it and come out the other side. You have people who care . You will get through it. I loved what you did for Back me up. Get well soon

  3. So good to see this issue losing the stigma it had and that mental health is treated the same as physical health. I also love the way Jessica Rowe openly talks about her battle with it on Sunrise. It allows the everyday people to see it can affect anyone.

  4. Going public with depression is still a big step, and every good wish for Ms Rose.

    David, the timing is opportune to direct readers to
    capril.org/ and by donating, support the work of BeyondBlue (as per your link in the story).

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