
Axed: Betty White’s Off Their Rockers

NBC has cancelled Betty White's comedy, in which she led a team of Candid Camera-style elderly pranksters.

bettywhiteofftheirrockersNBC has cancelled Betty White’s Off Their Rockers, in which the veteran comedian led a team of Candid Camera-style elderly pranksters.

The series, which ran for two seasons, premiered in Australia last year on the Comedy Channel ahead of a local version fronted by Sam Kekovitch. Both were based on Belgian series Benidorm Bastards.

The show launched to 12 million US viewers but its most recent in-season run averaged 5.3 million viewers.

No word yet if the Australian version will get a second season.

White continues to star in Hot in Cleveland, which will reach the landmark 100th episode later this season.

Source: Hollywood Reporter

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