
The Disappearance of Alice Creed

This British thriller has a cast of 3 and at times I was on the edge of my couch.

2013-07-22_0952If the first cult movie to screen on SBS 2’s new Movie Mayhem with Marc Fennell on Saturday nights is anything to go by, then we’re in for a lot of fun.

I checked out British thriller The Disappearance of Alice Creed over the weekend and it’s a ripper.

It has a cast of 3 and at times I was on the edge of my couch.

The first flick is The Disappearance of Alice Creed, a British thriller where two criminals Vic and Danny fortify an apartment and kidnap Alice Creed, the daughter of a wealthy businessman. They fastidiously handcuff Alice to the bed, all in a careful attempt to make sure that she won’t escape and they won’t get caught. Whilst held captive in a soundproofed room, it is clear that everything is not as it seems and that each of those involved knows more than they are willing to disclose. Directed by J. Blakeson and stars Gemma Arterton, Martin Compston and Eddie Marsan.

Also coming are “Let The Bullets Fly, cannibal flick The Pack, slasher film Rabies, murderous Spanish horror Julia’s Eyes, and Korean films Demon Empire, and The Man From Nowhere.”

Movie Mayhem with Marc Fennell Saturday, 27 July at 9.35pm on SBS 2.

2 Responses

  1. This movie was OK for a contained thriller, but fell apart at the end with a “we couldn’t think of a proper ending” ending.

    It’s a pity SBS didn’t show Kill List, which came out of the UK at the same time. Kill List is truly a cultish mind-bender.

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