
The Muppets movie sequel: teaser

The Muppet Movie sequel Muppets Most Wanted has been released with guests Ricky Gervais, Tina Fey and Ty Burrell

The Muppet Movie sequel Muppets Most Wanted has been released with guests Ricky Gervais, Tina Fey and Ty Burrell, due out next March.

It’s a sequel to the 2011 revival which grossed $158 million worldwide, although hardly the franchise’s first sequel.

There are even penguins grooving to “Moves Like Jagger.” Didn’t I see that on a Nine clip?

3 Responses

  1. So not only do we have annoying Disney channel teen cameos and Tiny Fey channeling Natasha Fatale, it seems like it will choc full of those annoying stereotypes of what the U.S thinks Europe is. I expected better.

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