
Female intruders enter Big Brother

'Boog' and Madaline entered the Big Brother house last night after Justynn was evicted.

Madaline meets Boog 8Two new female Intruders entered the Big Brother house last night after Justynn was evicted.

The lumberjack was sent home after voting by housemates and public alike, while Intruder Nathan became a fully-fledged housemate.

Entering the house were two young females (what happened to those broader ages we were promised this year?) in 23 year old Melbournian Boog (her nickname), 23 and 24 year old Gold Coast lawyer Madaline.

“I’m not here to step on anyone’s toes, I’m here to have a good time and get along with everybody,” Boog told Sonia Kruger.

Madaline said, “I want to get in there and get to know everyone individually, but when I don’t get along with someone I’m not very good at hiding it!”

But only one will stay, with another Intruder eviction looming.

Meanwhile Tim, Drew, Ed, Mikkayla, Jade and the Sugar Sisters are all up for eviction tomorrow night.

Rumours of Justynn in a brawl with Ed proved to be baseless, after he was formally evicted in a pre-recorded segment, including leaving a farewell video saying plenty of nice things about Ed.

12 Responses

  1. Are actors/models not allowed to audition for Big Brother? People are carrying on as though they’ve been hired by Big Brother to follow a script, when all they’ve done is auditioned like everyone else and have been selected to enter the house. Actors are naturally confident, outgoing people, so wouldn’t it be logical that they would stand out during a cattle call audition and know how to capture someone’s attention…?

  2. The recorded message Justynn left for the housemates is not enough. I am still curious. Surely they could have done a Q&A with him somehow. Whether it was with Sonia or Mike or whoever they could’ve rustled up on the day. I want to know!

  3. Behind Big Brother found Boog’s Showreel. She’s totally an Actor, and although Madaline isn’t she does work for the Law firm that represent Dreamworld…………….

  4. Surely Boog is an actor also. Did you see how bogan she was made to look & act.
    Unfortunately the intruders are undoing all the good work of BB in the last few weeks.
    Might I suggest that instead of stretching it out with intruders they instead wait 2-3 weeks before the evictions start to get to know the contestants better.

  5. Could you follow the lies about Justynns time length in the house up David?

    I remember also when they claimed to be “live” during the Essendon doping saga when Andy D and Mike Fitzpatrick held a 30 minute press conference during nominations.

  6. Intruder overkill. It’s fun when BB shakes things up – but there are going to be a lot of psychological issues when housemates struggle with the constant – eviction/double eviction/fake eviction/no eviction/intruders/ intrudereviction/intruders/intruder eviction and so on.

    Yes I know this show is supposed to be some sort of psychological experiment but unless you work in politics, a sports team or a really awful boss – you would never see so many people coming and people leaving in just 1 week.

    And I do hope Boogs or Madeine accidentally let it slip that Tony Abbort did get elected PM. With the exception of Mykala it’d be fun to see all the housemates scream out a collective groan.

  7. @Cynical, Sonia did say at Tully’s eviction that Tuesday nights Late Night Feast was the final one. The Late Night Feast was set up to be held Friday nights if I recall correctly, which means that Justynn would of been evicted before then anyway.

  8. One of the housemates mentioned that the intruders had been told that “one of them” would only be in the house for “a few days”, so although Sonia mentioned that Justynn was in the house for “a week”, it’s clear that he was only ever meant to be in there for “a few days” (which he was). From the audience’s point of view, it was six days between Justynn’s entrance and his exit (i.e. almost a week).

    I’ve actually known housemates in real life (including one this year). None of them were actors. Justynn is an actor, but that doesn’t mean he was playing a scripted role in the house.

    Of the four intruders this season, two were in their 30s and two in their 20s. The oldest female contestant was voted out by the public in the first week, so that might have put the producers off sending anyone older into the house.

  9. Amazing everybody fell for it again BB does not cater to a large demo they only cater to their audience who is youth in particular young females. The want to see themselves, besides no older person has the time or can afford to take time to be on this show considering the cost of living coupled with parenting or other responsabilities regarding being older.

  10. While I suspect the rumours about Justynn’s behaviour were wildly exaggerated, I do believe the eviction was rushed for a reason. The late night feast Justynn would have been at (which often turn controversial at the best of times) is not being screened as normal, and it’ll be interesting to see if the female intruders’s eviction is handled in the same way.

  11. BB got caught out with the lack of live content, when it actually did go live for a bit after Boog entered the house. Mikkayla revealed that the male intruders were only in for a few days and Justynn gone by Friday I think she said. Why no catch up with Justynn on the live show? Seems such a waste to have a big live broadcast with very little of the important content being so.

  12. Both the two new intruders are actors, there are no such thing as everyday people in there except for maybe Katie and Lucy. Its a waste of time for the average person in the street to even bother auditioning.
    Sonia said that Justynn had been in the house for a week when clearly it was only 3 days, he was bundled out quickly and wasn’t even given a proper eviction on stage so something happened that has been covered up as usual.

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