
Halloween on Free to Air

Bananas in Pyjamas, Kids WB and Big Brother get in the Halloween spirit.

2013-10-31_0054Here’s a selection of spooky titles airing today on Free to Air networks.

Studio 3
6am  and 4pm ABC3

Sally Bollywood: Super Detective
8:40am ABC3
Halloween Heist
The school is hosting a Halloween party in which all the sweets and candies that have been collected are to be shared among the students. But just as the party is about to begin, the lolly trolley is hijacked.

Camp Lakebottom
6pm ABC3

Horrible Histories
6:45pm ABC3

Bananas in Pyjamas
9:18am ABC2
When Rat promises the Bananas he can make their pumpkin grow big in time for Halloween – you can be sure he’s about to play one of his sneaky tricks again.

Timmy Time
10:20am ABC2
Timmy Gets Spooked
It’s Halloween and Timmy and his friends are having lots of spooky fun, hollowing out pumpkins and making party decorations.

Kid’s WB: Halloween episode
4pm GO!

Sabrina The Teenage Witch (Rpt)
“The Halloween Scene”

Big Brother
7pm Nine (7:30pm Sydney)
In an emotionally charged show, Housemates will be treated to information from the outside world, including their Loved Ones. Of course it’s not Halloween without a trick, and we all know Big Brother has many of those up his sleeve as he reveals secrets about the Housemates that will have everyone sitting on the edge of their seat.

4 Responses

  1. I know what you mean Ryan, it’s the same old thing over and over.

    how bout some variety! surely they can have a weeks break and show something different, Star Trek can wait! they could have easily had a a Simpsons marathon from 7:00 to 8:30 and then some horror movie.

    GO decides to play something that’s been played many times already, Hall Pass. is that all they could come up with, out of all the movies they could play and own?! play something they haven’t played in a while. what’s funny is that I saw in advanced guides that next Friday they are showing Gremlins 2 and Halloween 3! probably subject to change.

    7two play movies every Thursday, what a perfect opportunity to play a horror themed movie right? wrong! instead they show Twins and Daylight.

    not even One is getting in the spirit, but they did on Friday the 13th recently.

    Halloween is on Friday next year, let’s…

  2. I have suggested to 11 to show Halloween themed simpsons eps and Halloween movies on Halloween for like 3 yrs now but every yr we get the same old crap! How hard is it for a network to get into the spirit and have a little fun?

  3. I’m disappointed with FTA not airing any horror movies tonight!

    you would think of all the channels that air movies frequently would air at least 1, looking at you GO! not Go, One, Eleven, 7Mate, SBS1&2 and so on, nothing!

    I guess since it’s Thursday it might not make much sense to, if it were a Friday they could have a marathon but still.

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