
Opening Shot: The Vagina Diaries

ABC2's Opening Shot documentary series continues as Nat Harris learns everything there is to know about labiaplasty.

2013-11-27_1031ABC2’s Opening Shot documentary series continues tonight with The Vagina Diaries as Nat Harris learns everything there is to know about labiaplasty.

Presenter Nat Harris is on a journey to discover the truth about labiaplasty – a surgical procedure typically done to reduce the size of the inner lips at the opening of a woman’s vagina. Recent public health figures show that the number of labiaplasty cases in Australia have more than doubled in the last decade. Why are more Australian women than ever putting one of the most intimate parts of their bodies under the knife? To find out, Nat meets up with a range of doctors, a sexual health advocate, an Australian porn star, and “Louise” a nineteen year old who has hated her vagina since she was 14yrs old and is due to have the operation.

Nat also takes to the streets to ask some Aussie blokes what they think about vaginas and enrols in a class with a sacred sexuality teacher for some alternative schooling. Nat is invited into the theatre to observe “Louise’s” operation. Will surgery give her the vagina she hopes for, and how much will it improve her life? Do vaginas really differ and how much does it matter?

9:30pm Wednesday ABC2.

One Response

  1. i wanted to watch this last night but forgot about it was watching Cleaveland show on 11. Anyway i watched a doco on this topic last year was really informative. I think our self esteem really has to do with it.

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