
Foreign Correspondent: Aug 4

Peter Greste reports on the continuing fight to clear himself and colleagues Baher Mohammed & Mohammed Fahmy.


In part two of his Foreign Correspondent special, Peter Greste reports on the continuing fight to clear himself and his colleagues Baher Mohammed and Mohammed Fahmy.

Peter Greste’s own story of his joyful homecoming after 400 days in an Egyptian jail – and the tense build-up to the final verdict on terrorism charges.

“Welcome home and welcome to paradise”
– Juris Greste to his son Peter

With the beaming grin of a newly freed man, Peter Greste strode from his plane into the arms of his family. Hugs, kisses, tears… then a flurry of mock punches from his mum and his nephews.

“There were a few times when I didn’t think I’d see this day guys”
– Greste to his family

From near despair in a concrete prison cell to the euphoria of release and homecoming, Greste has travelled the full spectrum of emotion.

But his ordeal is not over yet. Still to come is the imminent final verdict from a Cairo court on whether he and his two Al Jazeera colleagues are guilty on charges of terrorism. Hopes that the charges might be thrown out were dashed with yet another delay in the verdict.

“I am still in danger of being convicted as a terrorist even though I am not there to defend myself”
– Peter Greste

In the concluding episode of a two part Foreign Correspondent special, Peter Greste reports on the continuing fight to clear him and his colleagues Baher Mohammed and Mohammed Fahmy. He sets out the plight of dozens of other journalists who have been jailed in Egypt merely for doing their jobs – like the photographer Shakwan, detained without charge for two years after taking pictures of anti-government protests.

And Greste tells of the exhilaration of returning to family and of his amazement at the celebrity that was suddenly thrust upon him: speeches, awards, meeting Barack Obama.

“I had a blow by blow description of you leaving prison, getting to the airport, getting into the lounge, getting on the flight… I just wanted to hear your voice and know you were on the flight home”
– Foreign Minister Julie Bishop interviewed by Greste.

8pm Tuesday ABC.

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