
Fresh Blood pilots on iview

One of these 5 comedy pilots will become an ABC series in its own right.


A new season of Fresh Blood, featuring emerging comedy writers, directors and performers, begins on iview next week.

5 of the 24 comedy teams who delivered sketches last year will have their pilots showcased.

One of the five pilots will be given the opportunity to produce their own series for ABC iview.

The pilots are:

The Record – a black comedy that looks at the relationships between different couples, all of whom strive to achieve a world record. For some, it’s their greatest achievement, for others a source of shame, but all are desperate to be recognised and remembered throughout history.

Fancy Boy – rooted in dark perspectives and a uniquely bold premise, the five interwoven sketches in Fancy Boy are based in pithy and unapologetic situations set up by the disturbed minds of a distinctive new comedy collective.

Aunty Donna – a narrative-to-sketch series following the fantastic and surreal lives of sketch troupe Aunty Donna. The series merges two different worlds: a day-to-day narrative following the three dysfunctional, unsuccessful sketch men, and the heightened, fantastical world of sketch.

BedHead – Nick (Paul Ayre) and Sophie (Sarah Bishop) are best friends who sleep together and agree it definitely (probably) doesn’t mean anything. BedHead takes a cheeky peek under the sheets at the horrendously awkward and embarrassing things we get up to in the pursuit of love and sex.

Wham Bam Thank You Ma’am – a twisted sketch comedy, created from a uniquely female perspective. Using a variety of formats including sketches, vignettes and animations, Wham Bam Thank You Ma’am sets a tone of rapid fast-flowing comedy that packs a punch.

Thursday September 17 on iview.

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