
Agents of SHIELD to premiere on Seven after all

Hold the phone. Fears a show would move to Pay TV prove to be unfounded.


Good news for fans of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. with the show’s latest season set to premiere on Free to Air and not Pay TV after all.

In September Foxtel confirmed the third season would have its premiere on FOX8 before later advising of a delay.

A spokesperson yesterday said, “Unfortunately we have been unable to acquire these titles for the originally planned transmission dates.  We continue to work towards adding these shows to FOX8 as soon as possible.”

But TV Tonight can confirm it will premiere on Seven after all, home of the first 2 seasons. The show is due to premiere soon.

It’s not clear what led to the confusion, but sounds like a muck-up somewhere along the line.

16 Responses

  1. I am wondering if, just perhaps, this is partly due to the downgrade of “The Player” in the US? As in, if it had been picked up for a full season 7 would have gone through with the deal?

    With The Player now ceasing to be a viable option beyond the next few weeks, 7 might have said “To hell with it, let’s chuck AOS back on.”

    In any case, a win for the little guy IMO. FTA deserves this show. 🙂

  2. Surely there’s a lesson here along the lines of don’t announced you’re airing a show before you’ve acquired it.
    Premiering soon? The end of the year is fast approaching, I imagine they wouldn’t get much in before the Tennis

  3. Excellent, hopefully it won’t go the way of The Blacklist and Heroes, bumped once and it’s off our list and the DVD’s are on it, they only get one chance, taken off for James Bond, fair dinkum, they have to be kiddin’

    1. Surely you don’t expect a clear run right through? “Past Performance is Not Necessarily Indicative of Future Results ..” as they say in financial adds. Sadly in TV land past performance is indicative of future results,………………..

        1. woops forgot this bit, yes we do expect a clear run right through,we have no choice with the silly season because the US networks mostly have a Christmas break.

  4. There was hope that it would have been played in a decent slot on Fox8 but it seems that hope is gone. Seven will dump it to the 10:30, 10:45, 10:50 or 11:00pm slot after about the first or second week.

  5. No muck up just competing commercial interests.

    The deal was done except for the final signature. Foxtel wanted it badly, scheduled it straight away and promoted it. And if Foxtel did get it they might have picked up Agent Carter to go with it, now the rights will be cheap.

    Seven backed out of the deal at the last minute because they weren’t happy it was going up against The Blacklist/Blindspot @ 8:30pm Wednesday. Marvel may also have thrown their weight around, (sweetened Seven’s deal?) to keep it on FTA because it is part of their billion dollar Marvel Universe Franchise.

    Will be interesting to see how the Presto deal holds up with Foxtel/Ten competing against Seven. Nine with who walked away from such games look to be in better position costs wise.

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