Airdate: Black Work
ABC premieres a new UK crime thriller that delves into the murky depths of undercover police work.
- Published by David Knox
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- Filed under Programming
Tonight ABC premieres Black Work, a new three-part British crime thriller that delves into the murky depths of undercover police work and tells the story of a woman willing to risk everything to protect her family.
This premiered in the UK in June 2015.
PC Jo Gillespie is devastated when her husband, DS Ryan Gillespie, is found dead in an abandoned warehouse in Leeds. When she learns that Ryan was working undercover at the time of his death her grief is compounded by shock. Ryan’s behaviour appears to have been erratic in the weeks before his death and Jo worries that senior officers of the Greater Yorkshire Police are intent on a cover up. Jo is determined to find out the truth about the man she was married to and how he died.
9.20pm Friday, March 3 on ABC.
- Tagged with Black Work
2 Responses
I have seen this, but I am not sure where. Possibly on Netflix shortly after it was launched, its not there now. We don’t have foxtel…so a bit of a mystery. I will be interested to hear views about the ep3 finale after it has aired
Plenty of suspense.Good to see Sheridan back in action;quality actress.