
No it’s not Round the Twist’s 30th anniversary just yet….

Iconic kids' series, about to turn 29, managed to overcome rough treatment at the hands of programmers.

According to Wikipedia, tomorrow marks the 30th anniversary of iconic kids’ series Round the Twist.

But the date is wrong according to the Australian Children’s Television Foundation -and they would know given they produced the series.

Turns out it aired first in the UK in April 1990 where it drew a big reaction. According to ACTF Seven sat on the series it received in November 1989, not screening it until August 1990 in a deadzone timeslot of 8:30am Sunday mornings.

That timeslot was slammed by media and viewers.

“8.30am on Sundays is hardly a blockbuster, cut-throat slot, which makes me wonder why Channel 7 is about to close down The Mouse Factory (whatever it is) and replace it with Round The Twist,” Lawrie Masterson wrote for TV Week.

“I mean, how many other Australian series which cost $3 million to make have been shown at 8.30AM Sundays? If this is a new trend in programming, it requires an explanation.”

ACTF campaigned Seven to reconsider a 6.30pm timeslot but it was rejected. Author Paul Jennings even admitted, “I wish another channel had bought it.”

At the time, Seven programmer Ian Duncan said that 8.30am Sundays was “simply the best place for [Round The Twist].”

But its popularity grew, largely by word of mouth. 29 years later it is still a much-loved series. One more year before a big anniversary.

You can read more on its early days here.

8 Responses

  1. You can’t read a story on Round the Twist without singing the theme tune.

    Didn’t realise it was so poorly scheduled in Aus – did things improve for later series? Where did most flagship Aussie kids shows get aired – did you have dedicated afternoon blocks like we did in the UK?

    1. I must say the quote about “best place” for the show is bang on what I was told by ABC when I asked why The Cry was delayed for Australia. Seems programmers are programmers regardless of era!

    1. My son has just discovered it, and binge watched the entire first series on the recommendation of one of his friends. Apparently the entire grade 6 at his school are obsessed with it.

  2. I can’t believe Round the Twist is almost 30 years old! Where has the time gone? The first series had the best cast though I liked the Viking Book of Love plot in the third season. Paul Jennings is one of the greatest children’s authors. Wikepedia entries can be edited so easily.

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